Chapter 47

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I feel like I need to apologize to you. The previous chapter was way to short, depressing, and totally filler. I was an emotional wreck but I know I should have put more effort into the chapter. I feel that I need to make it up to you. SO I will give you a long and cheerful chapter! I hope for it to be a quality chapter but it may not be perfect. Please understand that I am still upset and I will be for awhile. I know it may sound like some stupid rant but what has happened has truly shocked and scared me.

In order to make up for how short the chapters have been lately. I will upload twice everyday for a whole week! Yay! How is that for ambition? I don't know how long each chapter will be. But I do know that they will be quality chapters. At LEAST 2 pages each. Yep I am determined.

So, I have not yet decided if I will do a sequel. I am worried that not as many people will read it. Do you think I should do a second book?

I will be editing the story! That means several chapters will be merged. As in chapters 1 and 2 would be put together to make a longer first chapter. That means the story may get longer but it will have fewer chapters. This is because I think having 40+ chapters is a little hard to manage. Do you think this is a good idea?

Who has a story on watt-pad? Who wants their story read? Commented on? Voted for? Maybe even promoted? Just post a link to your story and I will read, vote, comment, and maybe even promote it. Sound like a good deal? I think so.

Who would like to have a chapter dedicated to them? All you have to do is post a comment letting me know you would like to have a chapter dedicated to you. First come, first serve. Please be patient though. I can only work so quickly. Please be fair and only post nice comments.

Who has little brothers and/or sisters? I have younger sisters. I love them to death, but seriously, they can get on my nerves. Oh, well. I guess I have to get over it. Too bad, I was almost tempted to find some duct tape.........

Well I really don't know what else to say so I guess I will give you the chapter.

And so I give you-

Chapter 47

Kandee's POV

I had only been home for an hour and I was already exhausted. I hadn't even done much! All I did was walk into the house and put sheets on the bed in the guest room. Sadly we couldn't use the kitchen much. The cabinets were cracked and the glass oven door was shattered. The tile reeked of bleach and the whole room smelled sterile. Just the smell of it made me woozy.

Cole had insisted that I sleep in one of the bedrooms on the first floor. He had said it was so I didn't need to go up the stairs all the time. But really he just wanted to keep me close in case something happened. He had helped me to move my clothes and anything I would need from my room, into the room I would be staying in. Well mainly he moved everything, afraid that I would get hurt.

I sighed as I sank onto the bed. It was so soft compared to the hard lumpy hospital bed. The sheets were soft and fluffy. The rainbow polka-dot comforter contrasted the black linen sheets below it. It was like my world, bright and cheerful on the outside, but dark and cold on the inside.

“Do you need help?” Cole asked as I tried to change into my pajamas.

The stitches prevented me from lifting my arms very far, and the brace on my knee made life more complicated than necessary. I groaned and knew I was going to need Cole to help me change. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I nodded uncomfortably and silently cursed Matt for causing this awkward situation.

“Sorry for making you do this.” I mumbled as my cheeks flamed a dark red.

Cole stroked my cheek softly and looked into my eyes. I tried to avoid his gaze. But his eyes beckoned me. Finally I let my eyes meet his.

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