Chapter Six - Air

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Chapter Six

Kandee's POV

I could feel the tubes and wires that were attached to various parts of my body.The steady rhythm of several monitor was pulling me toward consciousness. Soon, I became aware of the gentle pressure of someone holding my hand. Then I heard a voice; Matt's voice. He was begging for me to open my eyes, his voice was filled with fear and desperation.Hearing him sound so vulnerable caused my heart to ache. 

Slowly, I forced my eyes to open, the florescent lights seeming painfully bright. Almost instantaneously, Matt dropped my hand and ran to find a nurse. But rather than just one person, a whole swarm of nurses and doctors rushed into the room.

I felt tears sting my eyes as the nurse explained why I was here. My mom would be so ashamed. What had I been thinking?! Slowly, I looked at my surroundings, but stopped as soon as my eyes landed on Matt. He looked scared and tired, his features seemed so weary and drained. Then I noticed the blood stains on his shirt. A sob burst past my lips as I realized he was the one who had found me, the one who had saved me.

Matt stepped closer taking my hand again, squeezing it gently. He cautiously brushed my hair out of my eyes, before cautiously resting his hand on my cheek, using his thumb to wipe away my tears.

"I'm so sorry Matt. I'm so so sorry." I whispered, my words coming out with an obvious shakiness.

"Shhh..... It's okay its all okay. Shh..... Don't cry." He soothed, his eyes misting just enough for it to become apparent that he was fighting back tears of his own.

"Matt? Why did you help me? Why didn't you just let me die?" I questioned quietly. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to hear his answer.

"I couldn't let you die; not again. It hurt bad enough the first time, but at least then you were still living and breathing. I could still see and hear you, even if it wasn't the you that I had loved. I couldn't stand to lose you again, to lose you forever. It hurt so much to watch the sweet loving girl you were die so many years ago. It would kill me to lose you all together, to know that I would never see you or hold you. I need you more than you will ever understand." He said looking in my eyes. 

"Matt have you ever really hated me?"  I asked cautiously, afraid to know the truth.

"No Kandee I've never hated you. In fact the completely wrong. I don't hate you Kandee, I-I ...... I"  He stuttered, a blush blossoming on his prominent cheeks.

He loves me? Why would he love me? Do I love him to? That is when I realized, why no matter how many guys asked me out, I always turned them down. It was because I loved Matt.  Matt had hurt me but he had also saved me so many times. I just never realized how hard I had fallen for him.

"I love you too, I never stopped loving you. No matter what happened you always held my heart." I whispered as I gazed into his emerald eyes.

My breathing sped as he leaned in slowly, giving me time to stop him. Finally our lips met. Kissing him felt so natural almost like breathing.  His soft lips caressed mine with the utmost care and his hand cupped my cheek gently.

I pulled away and whispered.  " As corny as this is gonna sound, Matt, you are the air I breathe. Without you I would never survive."

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