Chapter 49

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Sorry I did not upload last night. I had an FFA meeting from 6 until 9 last night. I also had to get ready after school and take care of my pets. So I barely had time to turn on the computer last night. But that means that I owe you guys and girls 4 chapters today. Lets see if I can get it done.

I got batteries for my camera! This means that I will be having a photo-shoot for my new book cover! I have very patient friends that are oh-so willing to pose for hours until I get the perfect picture. Not really.......

Still looking for people to enter my contest......


The story will be being edited. This means some chapters will be merged and some may just get deleted. This means that I will probably upload an entirely different story. It will still be called Against All Odd. But when I have that caught up to the unedited version, the unedited one will most likely be deleted. This is to make the story better and of a higher quality. Until then this story will probably be put on hold. Sorry...... It just seems simpler to edit the story and post the new version the trying to edit and re-post the chapters. Hope you can understand. This will probably take place around thanksgiving.


I will dedicate ten chapters to anyone willing to help me edit. All I ask is that you please DO NOT steal my story. Not that I think anyone would. But you never know.

Now onto the story!

Chapter 49

Cole's POV

I held Kandee in my arms as she cried, she shook with fear the whole time. It pained me to see her like this, so vulnerable, so broken. Little did she know, I knew just how badly she was hurting. I live with my older sister Angel because my parent abandoned my when I turned 14. It hurt to think they hayed me that much. Yet Kandee made my pain seem so miniscule. At least my world wasn't coming undone, but her world was collapsing around her.

Not only that, but she made my pain disappear when I was around her. Her smile was like a cure for my pained heart. She didn't numb the pain, but the love that filled my heart when she was near, vanquished it temporarily. She made me happy, she made me feel loved. If life were a poison, she was my antidote. I was falling for her fast and hard. If only I could make her feel as happy as she makes me.

Does she know how much better she has made my life? She had the power to make or break me.

“Sorry.” She mumbled against my chest.

Her lips tickled my skin as she spoke. I shivered in response to the tingles that spread across my skin. Kandee looked at me with confusion clear on her face. Then she giggled and I sighed in relief.

“Awe, you're blushing!” She cooed.

I looked down and felt my cheeks get warm as my blush deepened. By now Kandee was laughing and clutching her sides as she gasped for breath. She lay on her back next to me, stilling giggling like a school girl. Seizing the opportunity, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her on top of me.

It felt so nice to hold her close. I felt safe, I felt like everything was going to be okay for once. She was the one. The girl I wanted to be with for forever, or at least for as long as she wanted me. Any amount of time with her would make me happy.

She looked at me with shock and fear. Then she noticed my gentle smile and she let out a breath. A sly smile slide onto lips.

“Now, Cole, that was not very nice. Scaring me like that.” She whispered.

I suppressed a groan. She was such a tease!

“Kandee.” I warned my voice shaking slightly.

She leaned in so that her chest was pressed tightly against mine, and her lips lingered above mine.

“Yes, Cole?” She breathed.

I shivered as her warm breath caressed my face. She smiled softly and I groaned. Did she realize the effect that she had on me? Did she know what she was doing to me? I was completely helpless, she had me in some sort of trance. 'So, this is what love feels like.' I thought to myself. If this is love, I want to stay like this forever.

“Kandee..... What-” I whimpered before she cut me off.

“Shh. It's okay.” She said softly before pressing her lips to mine.

Her lips felt like satin against mine. Her fingers gripped at my hair, and my hands cupped her face tenderly. I rolled so that I hovered above her, supporting my own weight. I rand my hands down her sides and she pulled my mouth back to hers.


I Know It is short but at least it is something.

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