Chapter 62

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Happy Halloween! I hope everyone has a super spooktacular Halloween! I have eaten so much candy that if I ever see another tootsie roll again, I am going to scream! Probably not......I love candy.... So for Halloween I am either a witch or a Gothic red riding hood.....I can't really tell which one I am.... My friend Elmo went/is Cookie Monster! Totally Ironic! Muppy is a pirate......ahoy! LOL! Wow that is the first time I have said LOL all day........

As a super special Halloween treat, I have decided that for every person that comments with “Trick or Treat” I will upload a new chapter! Yep all you gotta do is say trick or treat to get a new chapter! Totally sweet right? I hope so...... Sorry I can't give you candy....So instead I will upload a picture of candy with this chapter........Yeah that's right I said candy, virtual candy to be exact! I am like cyber stalking Breaking Dawn Part 1......Nothing creepy about that at all......

It is Halloween! Which is like my favorite holiday ever! Yes, I rank Halloween higher on my list of awesomeness then Christmas.....What can I say? I never admitted to being normal....... Because I'm not normal......I am extra super the opposite of normal! And I love it! No one expects me to do anything ordinary! It's awesome! Guess what? I had soda at 6:32 in the morning! I Love Coke.....The soda not the drug.....Drugs aren't good.....Although....Yeah no drugs aren't good...So Be cool! Stay in school.....Unless of course you like graduate or something. Then congratulation on surviving High School!

Guess what I was told this morning? That I ramble. I mean seriously! They had to point that out? So what I ramble...It's what I do when I'm nervous......And this dress makes me nervous....It won't stay up....And it won't stay down.....Good thing I wore a tank top under it! But my costume kinda makes me look like an s-l-u-t......Yeah I'm not allowed to say that word so I spelled it instead.....

Who loves Monday mornings? I do! I am one of the few people who loves Monday! I don't get why everybody has to go hating on Monday......What did it do to you?? Monday is my friend....And Monday's feeling have been hurt...

Yep I am nuts!!

So with that said, here is a brand new chapter.

Kandee's POV

I could feel someone press their lips against my forehead. Sparks radiated through my skin and I instantly knew who it was. Cole. He was okay! He was alive! My angel had survived, sure he had lost his halo along the way, but at least he was alive. He may have been damaged but he was not destroyed. The spark of true love was hard to ignore. But with Cole there was no spark anymore. Now there was a fire of desire and passion, but the larger the flame gets, the more danger we will be in.

Lost in his touch. Freed by his love. Breathless in his presence. Mesmerized by his pastel eyes. Dazed by his beauty. Hanging on his every word. If this was love then I was addicted. His love could make me high and his touch was making my heart race. When he kisses me, the room spins, and all I can see is him. He can drive me wild and he was going to make me crazy. So if this was love, why had I been so afraid? This is love and I had fallen hard and fast into it.

I could feel the life returning to my body. I could feel my blood begin to flow. I could feel my heart longing to see his face. I could feel the pain return to my broken psyche. I could feel love begin to flow through my veins.

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