Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Kandees POV

I could feel myself drifting back to life. I could hear quiet sobs from beside my bed. I could feel some one holding my hand. I felt s tube being pulled from my thoat. My eyes flickered open.

I didnt recognize the two boys sitting next to my bed. They both watched me with cautios tear filled eyes. They seem so familar. I kbow the black hair one. His saphire eyes meet mine. Skylar! How could I forget Sky? And next to him was...... Matt? Thats all i could remember. His name.

"Your awake!" They cried in unison.

"How long was i out of it?"

" a week." Matt said looking guilty.

Odd. I thoight. Then I remembered a door hitting my face. So thats why he looked so guilty.

"How bad is it?" I asked not really wanting to know.

"Bad. You have a broken nose, a swolen brain , and a black and blue face. The doctors said the reason your body shut down was because it need to restart." Sky said


"Matt? Why did you open a door into my face?"

"You ran into it first. I was jist trying to help."

"And you did such a good job." I said sarcasticly.

If it werent for him i could be resting at home reading a book. I could be eaating all the bacon i wanted. Yum, bacon so delisous it made me stupid. Well most food makes me act stupid but still. Fried food was my weakness. As much as i loved it i did some stupid stuff when i ate it. I'm a dork get over it.


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