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Hi! Sorry it has taken me so long to post. I just started high school and I was waiting for my net-book to arrive. I just got it today! So hopefully the chapters will turn out being longer and have fewer mistakes.

I got asked to Home Coming! Yay! To celebrate I plan on doing a little marathon of uploads. Probably like the next ten chapters or so. So far only five people in my school know about this story. Which is probably best because it could get kind of awkward. LOL!! So being unusually upbeat and peppy I have decided that I will start working on uploading more often!

But now what you have all been waiting for. I give you Chapter 28 of Against All Odds!

Chapter 27


My lips grazed his cheek softly. It felt like little shock waves hit my lips when they touched his skin. I stood up and ignored the urge to hold my fingers to my lips.

“Night Sky, I'll see you in the morning. Love ya.” I whispered softly as I reached the door.

{Skylar's POV}

I was right on the edge of sleep almost asleep but not quite. I was ready to slip into a dreamless slumber when she spoke. I didn't fully understand what Kandee had said but it sounded like ' Night Sky. Love ya.'. I probably didn't hear everything she had said but what I had heard was like music to my ears. 'She loves me!' I thought cheerfully. 'But she loves Matt more.' my subconscious challenged. It was true she did love Matt but did she really love him more than me? Could she ever really love him? I mean what has he done to deserve her affection? Nothing is what.

I mean okay yeah they were friends way back when they were little kids, but could she ever really forgive him? After everything he has done to her does he deserve to be forgiven? I don't think he does. I would be a far better match for Kandee. She means the world to me. No she means far more than the world to me. I would die for her, fight for her, give everything I have just to make her mine. But she just wants to stay friends, right?

I mean that’s all she says she wants. But is that really how she feels? She pretended to be numb and acted like she couldn't love until she met me. She fears losing people she loves so she claims to just not love anyone at all. But that is not true because I know that can't be true. Yet at the same time I question if she does really love me or Matt. I guess that knowing what she's thinking is about as simple as making a rubric’s cube do jumping jacks. Nearly impossible.  Well maybe it is more like teaching the blind to read it is difficult but it is possible. I really need better similes and metaphors. Do they even make books on stuff like that? I should probably find out.

By now I had probably been battling with my subconscious for a good hour. I could feel my thoughts becoming jumbled and confusing. Stupid medicine. Making my brain all foggy and slow. I could feel my exhaustion getting the upper hand as my fight to remain awake weakened. Finally I surrendered allowing myself to be pulled into the world of dreams and make believe.

{Skylar's Dream}

I sat on the soft feathery grass, watching it sway in the light breeze. The leaves rustled overhead casting mesmerizing shadows across the ground. The air with comfortably warm with a gentle cooling breeze, the trees above me protecting me from the suns rays. Light still trickled through the leaves but it was a beautiful illuminating glow that formed below the leaves. Much nicer than the direct sun light.  There was a slight lilacy aroma drifting through the air laced with hints of apple blossom and freesia.

Quiet footsteps pulled me from my reverie. A beautiful angelic figure stood at the opening of the shaded meadow. Her wings were glowing a light buttery yellow hue and her face was hidden behind an alluring golden mask. A white gown flowed down her body and hugging close to her perfect curves, held up by two thin golden straps that looked divine against the tanned skin of her shoulders. She seemed to be illuminated be the soft lighting, her skin shimmering softly as her wings folded gracefully behind her slender body.

She took a step into the small meadow seeming unsure of her surroundings. I just continued to study her beautiful flawless figure. Her mask glistened as she took another tentative step forward. I inhaled sharply as the wind blew her dress out behind her pulling it tightly against her skin. She looked like a goddess. She took cautious steps one at a time until she sank to the ground gently. Her velvet like wing brushed against my arm causing me to shiver at how pleasing it felt.

She turned her head to look at me her dazzling blue eyes sparkling with life. Slowly as not to scare her, I reached toward her to brush her chocolate brown hair from her eyes. She watched my warily not sure of my intentions. She sighed softly as my fingers brushed the hair from her mesmerizing eyes. Her pale gold mask kept my fingers from touching her skin. Looking her in the eyes I reached out to remove the mask from her face.

“ May I?” I asked quietly as my fingers danced at the edges of the mask.

She merly nodded in response and let her eyes slide shut. I tentatively lifted the mask from her face. I gasped. Her beautiful cheeks were highlighted in a light rosy blush. Her nose was straight. But it was her full pink lips that had stolen my breath. They looked so soft and I was tempted to kiss her. She seemed so familiar yet so foriegn at the same time. I felt as if I had meet her in a past life.

Slowly, allowing her plenty of time to stop me, I leaned toward her. I tilted my head slightly and pressed my lips to hers. It felt like there was an electric current coursing through my lips and spreading through my body rapidly. I pulled away after a moment and looked her in the eyes, searching for approval. She leaned forward slowly before letting her lips barely graze mine.

Taking this as a positive sign I leaned in slightly resting my lips on hers. Slowly I moved my lips against hers. She mirrored the movement. Gaining confidence I leaned in further causing her to fall back onto the soft grass. She wove her fingers into my hair, tugging gently. I groaned against her lips as she continued to tug at my hair. Pleasure coursed through my veins.

I trailed my tongue along her bottom lip begging for entrance. She instantly parted her lips and allowed me further access. My tongue explored her mouth and she did the same to me. She pushed off the ground slightly and her wings opened gracefully. She wrapped them behind my back pulling me closer to her. Her hands found their way back to my hair and her lips crashed against mine.

I traced my hands down her sides memorizing how her curves felt against my fingers. She pulled her fingers from my hair and slide them down to the bottom of my shirt. Slowly she pulled it over my head. Pleasure ripped through me as she ran her hands down my muscled chest and toned stomach. I moaned against her lips and pulled her even tighter against me.

She panted for breath as I slid onto my back on the grass next to her. She turned on her side and smiled at me.

“I love you Skylar.” she whispered her voice thick and breathy.

Then it clicked I knew that voice like the back of my hand. This angel was truly my angel, My Kandee.


Okay so this is an extremely edited chapter. Too read the full restricted version go to my profile and selected the story titled “ Against All Odds : The Restricted Chapters”. I had to keep this version PG13 but the restricted version is far better in my opinion. I should have it uploaded soon.

What do you think will happen next?

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