Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Kandees POV

I stretched wincing at the stiffness through out my body. Ugh, it felt like I had spent the night sleeping on a bunch of rocks. Then I cringed as I moved my gauze covered wrist, feeling the sharp stinging and burning from the wound hidden below the layers of bandaging.

"Hey, you okay?" Sky asked still stretching, groaning as the stiffness of a night of restless slumber hit him hard.

"Yeah. Just a little sore." I murmured, twisting and turning, as I attempted to conquer the ache in my body.

"I bet." Matt chirped from the doorway. What the hell. How did get over there? He must have gone home after all. As if he read my mind he said, "I ran home this morning to change. Plus I figured you might want something edible for breakfast." He explained while holding up the box of doughnuts.

"Yummy, yummy, yummy. It's breakfast time!" Sky and I sang like a couple of four year olds. We grinned like idiots and clapped our hands before practically pouncing on the box of glazed deliciousness.

" Wow, you two sure are something." Matt said while rolling his eyes, looking at us like we were completely crazy.

"You think that was annoying wait till she figures out how to use the remote! Then it will cartoons ala Kandee." Sky said as he giggled, yes, giggled, like a small child.  It was rather creepy.

I just picked up the remote thing and kept pressing the red button until a nurse came running in. "What happened is everything alright?" she said checking the monitors.

"No! This thing busted. I cant turn the stupid TV on." I said aggravated, while waving the remote above my head.

"Here let me show you how it works." she said while taking the remote. " This is the power button, it turns the TV on and off." 'No duh' I thought. "This button controls the volume; press the up arrow to turn it up and the down arrow to turn it down. The same thing for the channels up to go up, and down to go down." She explained in an annoyingly upbeat tone.

What am I? A four year old? I know how to use a god damn remote! I'm not stupid! 

"Watch your language! I was only trying to help!" The nurse snapped before leaving. She grumbled about how disrespectful we kids were now-a-days, earning amused chuckled from Matt, Skylar, and myself.

"Oh my god! Did I say that out loud?" I squeaked, embarrassment turning my cheeks a rosy red.

"You sure did. Little miss smarty pants." Matt joked, his eyes lighting up like they had so many years ago. For a moment I forgot my embarrassment and got lost in the joy the shone clear in his beautiful eyes.

"Hey, quit teasing me." I mumbled when I returned to reality, my voice barely a whisper.  I studied his eyes, the streaks of blues and greens that made up the emerald color of his mesmerizing eyes.

"Make me." Matt replied with a breathy chuckle that made my heart skip a beat.  How was he able to have this effect on me? To have the power to make me feel like I was the only person in the world?

"Jerk." I retorted with a devious grin sneaking onto my lips. 

"Chicken." Matt countered his grin matching mine as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Skylar! Matt's being mean to me!" I cried, whining to Skylar.

"She started it." Matt said, trying to defend his teasing words.

"Shut up! Or you are both on time out!" Sky shouted throwing his hands up in irritation.

"Geezz no need to yell..." Matt and I  mumbled.


Sorry its short but i'll upload more chapters to make up for it.

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