Chapter Five - Matt

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Chapter Five

Matt's POV

I was sitting on my bed feeling guilty about how I treated Kandee. I mean what did she do to deserve it? Sure, she's changed but I guess anyone one would under the circumstances that she was in. I guess I finally got tired of prtending like I didn't care, acting like she hadn't hurt me. Finally, I stood up after deciding to go apologize.

I stepped into Kandee's house and called her name, nothing, not even the sound of her crying. Now I'm worried. I jogged up the stairs and into her room, only to find that the bathroom light was on. I stepped toward the door slowly. When I opened the door I couldn't hold back the sob that escaped me. Kandee sat slumped against the side of the tub surrounded by a pool of dark red blood. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. The call was short but help was on the way.

I lost it when I saw her face. Her cheeks were pale and seemed translusent, bearing no resemblence to her normal fiery blush.  Her once peircing blue eye were gray and glassy, seeming cloudy and empty, lifeless. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard her take a shallow raspy breath. Then I saw her still bleeding wrist.  Pain shot through me as I realized that she had done this to herself. I quickly pressed a damp cloth to the slice on her delicate wrist.

Why would she do this? Why would she hurt me like this? Doesn't she see how much I love her? It might not be obvious but still.  She held a peice of me that was so substantial that she had the power to crush me, and I guess maybe she let me keep a peice of herself as well.  But unlike Kandee, I had been all too aware of the power I held, and I had used it to hurt her over and over again.  And after all I had put her through she had never once taken deliberate action to harm me.  She had always been the guilding light for those who needed it, where as I had been the darkest of skies trying to hide her from the world.  I had been the eclipce on her life, stealing away the light and leaving her in the darkest of worlds.

I shook my head as tear fell from my eyes at en ever accelerating pace.  My heart pounded while hers struggled to beat.  My breathing sped as sobs escaped my lips while her breathing grew slower and shallower with ever breath.  My world was crumbling while hers was on the edge of ceasing to exist.  

The next thing I knew, I was watching as the paramedics strapped her to the stretcher and loaded her into the ambulance.

" No matter what happens you make sure that she is okay!" I cried as they closed the doors and turned on the lights and siren. Then they were gone, I rushed to my truck.  All I could see was her face as I flew toward the hospital.

I rushed through the hospital doors just as a voice over the intercom shouted, " Code blue:  room 215. Code blue:  room 215."

I rush to the registration desk . " I'm looking for Kandee Jennings, could you tell me what room she is in? " I asked desperately, tears brimming in my eyes.

The nurse looked at me sadly and said, "Kandee Jennings, room 215."

My knees buckled and I crashed to the ground, broken sobs ripping through me, fueled by the pain of a broken heart. No she can't be right, she can't be.  I rose quickly and ran down the hall until I came to room 215. It was empty. I jumped when some one gripped my shoulder. I spun around to find and elderly doctor. He looked drained and weary.

" Son, I'm sorry to inform you but your friends prognosis is grim. She has lost a lot of blood and the lack of oxygen has caused an extreme strain on her heart.  We have moved her to the ICU but her chances are slim to none." He said sadly.

I stepped into the hospital room. There were wires leading to and from Kandee and several monitors. She look so fragile, almost like a porcelain doll. She had tube in her arm for the blood transfusion. I was so afraid to touch her. I very carefully held her hand as I begged her to open her eyes. Just as I felt like it was to late, her beautiful eyes fluttered open.

I called for a nurse and several rushed in, checking on her and explaining what was going on. She started to cry when they told how lucky she was to be alive.

She looked all over and finally her eyes landed on me.

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