5- Kiss and Forget

Start from the beginning

"I'm assuming you guys are good now?"

I nod and she smiles lightly.

"Okay, get your asses up. Scott, it's your turn to carpool. It's seven thirty five." Scott whines loudly and I sit up. Allison leaves, closing the door behind her. He pulls me back down.

"Scott, we need to get up," I murmur. He nods but doesn't move. "Scott—"

"Okay, okay, fuck, I'm getting up," He huffs and sits up. He looks around the room and rubs his eyes. I laugh as he scowls at the clock. I get up and Scott does the same.

He goes over to his drawer while I look around for a towel to use. He sees me looking and arches a brow.

"I need a towel," I tell him and he goes over to his bed and pulls one out from under it.

"Gross," I mumble and he smirks.

"You asked for a towel," Scott laughs and hands it to me. I roll my eyes and Scott pulls me into a hug. I'm surprised but I wrap my arms around him.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly and I nod. As long as I'm with you, I'll be okay.

"I'm okay," I tell him. He slowly pulls back and I look into his chocolate brown eyes. Those damn puppy-dog eyes.

Without thinking, I place my hands on both sides of his face and lean down. My lips attach to his and he stumbles back. When I don't feel his lips moving against mine, I pull away. I look at the ground.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why," I pause, fighting myself for the right words, "I don't know why I did that." I hear him inhale a sharp breath but he stays quiet. "Lets just forget this ever happened," I say.

I grab the towel and leave the room to go take a shower.


Scott and Stiles are already in the car by the time I get outside. Stiles is riding shotgun.

Lydia and Allison come outside as well. I notice Lydia's hair, which is redder than usual. Way redder.

"Whats with your—"

"Don't even," She snaps. I put my hands up in surrender and she sighs. "Stiles put red hair dye in my shampoo." I contain my chuckle that's dying to escape my lips.

Allison slings an arm over my shoulder and we walk to the car. Lydia gets in first, sliding in behind Stiles. I sit in the middle seat and Allison gets in behind Scott. She closes the door and we all buckle in.

"Lydia, your hair looks gorgeous today," Stiles quips. I look beside me and Lydia's resting her head against the window.

"You just wait, Stilinski," She says, "And if you wake up with no balls one morning, just remember that you had it coming." I see Stiles look at her through the mirror and his face is red. I laugh and Lydia smirks at me.


I get into school and go straight to my locker. Usually, I walk to Scott's and talk to him for a while but after this morning, I'm going to avoid him as much as I can. Again. I groan. Things were never this awkward between us. Why is it starting now?

"Hey," Someone says. I turn around face the person. I stare at him with disbelief.

"Logan?" I ask, my eyes widening. He gives me a one sided smirk and nods.

"Long time no see," Logan says. I pull him into a hug and pat him on the back.

"When did you come back?" I inquire, a huge smile plastered on my face.

"Last week," He replies.

Scott come up to me and I pull away from Logan. He looks between us and then settles his gaze on me. "Who's this?" He asks me.

I look at Logan and gesture between the two. "Scott, this is Logan. Logan this is Scott, my foster brother."

Logan shakes hands with Scott awkwardly.

"Logan use to live next to me when I was, what, five?" Logan nods. "We were best friends."

"Still are," He laughs lightly and I chuckle too. Scott nods, a small frown forming on his face.

"Can we talk?" He asks me.

"Well, I should probably get going. I need to find my class. I'll talk to you later, okay?" Logan asks.

"You know I can show you around, if you want," I tell him. I just don't want to talk about this morning to be honest. Logan nods and looks at Scott.

"If it's okay with him," He says. Scott rolls his eyes and walks away.

Writers Note:

So Scott and Isaac kissed....was it what you were expecting?

So I added a new character, Logan Kestler. Daren Kagosoff portrays him.

Who likes Logan so far?

Who thinks Scotty's getting jealous?

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