Chapter 25

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Please read the Authors Note at the end as it is very important!!!!!!

Getting Back At Romeo

Chapter 25

Sky’s POV

My life was officially over. I had just received the most heartbreaking phone call in my life. Austin was marrying my ex best friend and there was nothing I could do about it. I didn’t even wait for Blake to hang up before I broke down. This was it. I had lost him forever. I slung my phone across the room and watched as it hit the wall shattering to pieces.

I laughed sadistically. Funny how my phone shattering seemed to remind me of myself. My life was crumbling to pieces and I had no one to blame but myself. Just knowing that made everything ten times worse. I had officially ruined my life.

“Come on Sky let’s get you to bed sweetheart.” I felt someone attempt to help me, but my body just laid there limply on the floor where I had planted myself.

“Blake, you’re going to have to lift her.” Missy sighed.

“Ok, up we go.” Blake lifted me up off the floor and placed me on my bed.

Missy covered me up and I rolled over away from them.

“I told you not to tell her over the phone.” Missy said.

“Sorry.” Blake mumbled his apology.

“Go on home Blake. I’ll stay with her tonight.” Missy pushed him towards the door.

Missy didn’t speak to me. She just crawled into the empty bed next to mine and went to sleep. Sleep never came for me. I tossed and turned all night. Finally at five the next morning I gave up on sleep and got up. I went to the only place I knew I could release some of the pain I was feeling.

Tjere wasn’t a soul in sight when I walked into the gym at five thirty in the morning. I went straight to the punching bag not even bothering with warming up. I began punching the bag with as much energy as I could muster up. I hadn’t even realized I was crying until my vision got blurry. But I didn’t stop. I punched the bag even harder.

Suddenly I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. I began thrashing my body around trying to get whoever it was to release me. Despite my efforts the person who had hold of me didn’t let go.

“Sky stop fighting me it’s Blake.” Blake yelled.

Still, I didn’t stop fighting.

“I’m not letting you go until you calm down.” Blake held me tighter.

He held me like that until I was too tired to fight and fell limp in his arms. Blake picked me up and carried me back to my room where a nervous Missy was waiting.

“Oh thank God she’s ok.” Missy breathed a sigh of relief.

“She was in the gym working herself to death.” Blake informed her.

“Poor thing. What are we going to do with her?” Missy asked worriedly.

“I honestly don’t know.” Blake shook his head.

I woke up with a throbbing headache and the sun blinding me. I groaned as I sat up in bed. I looked around the room and saw Missy sitting on the spare bed with her laptop open and earphones in. As if she sensed that I was awake Missy looked in my direction and snatched the earphones out of her ears.

“You’re awake.” She gave me a small smile.

“Yeah, what time is it?” I asked trying to shield my eyes from the blinding sun.

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