Chapter 4

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Getting Back At Romeo

Chapter 4

I could feel the bass drumming as I walked into the Theta Beta Pi frat house. My body instantly reacted to the music and I began to dance. Most of the people there were already wasted so after the song went off I headed to the kitchen and did three shots of vodka back to back. I wasn’t ready to be wasted yet. I just wanted to feel the numbness that the alcohol gave me.

After I left the kitchen I went to find my friend Leah. I found her playing pool with a bunch of the frat guys. Knowing her she was probably hustling them. What most guys don’t know about Leah is she has four older brothers who taught her every trick in the book before she came to college. I honestly felt sorry for the guys she was playing with.

“Hey, I won!” Leah exclaimed and the guys dug out their wallets and handed the money to her.

Leah spotted me and made her way over grinning ear to ear.

“I’ve got breakfast money.” She sang waving the cash in front of me.

“You’re horrible, you know that right?” I laughed.

“Come one let’s go dance.” Leah dragged me to the living room which had been transformed into the dance floor.

We started dancing with each other until a guy pulled Leah away from me so I danced alone. About three songs later I felt two muscular arms wrap around me. Damn I thought I told Zeek to leave me alone.

“Zeek I warned you that the next time you touched me I was going to get Leah on you.” I hissed then turned around. I gasped because it wasn’t Zeek’s arms wrapped around me. It was Austin’s. I spun around and tried to walk off, but Austin pulled me back making my back hit his firm chest hard.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked as he ran his fingers up and down my right arm.

“T-to get something to drink.” I stammered.

“I’ll walk with you.” Austin gently pushed me forward in the direction of the kitchen. This time I did four shots and was about to do a fifth when Austin stopped me.

“Whoa there slow down or you’ll make yourself sick.” Austin took the full shot glass from me.

“Why do you care?” I yelled.

“Because we need to talk about earlier today.” He yelled back.

“There’s nothing to talk about. That was me getting revenge on you for humiliating me when we were in school.” I screamed over the music.

“Let’s go outside where we don’t have to scream at each other.” Austin pulled me out of the kitchen and to the side door.

“What makes you think I won’t end up yelling at you while we’re outside?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Because then I’ll just do this” He leaned in and kissed me. “to shut you up.”

“You jerk! I can’t believe you just did that!” I exclaimed.

“You liked it when we kissed earlier.” He smirked.

“No I didn’t. Like I said I only kissed you to get back at you for humiliating me.” I told him.

“Whatever. Believe what you want to believe. Can we talk or not?” He asked.

“You have three minutes then I yell rape.” I growled.

“Fine. I only humiliated you in school to encourage you to lose the weight. I gue-“

“You have got to be kidding me.” I laughed.

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