Chapter 3

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Getting Back At Romeo

“Oh how I long to be that cookie.” Max licked his lips.

“You and me both.” Blake agreed.

“Guys come on it’s just a cookie.” Austin said annoyed with his friends.

They had been watching the pretty little dark blonde eat the cookie for about five minutes. Austin wished she would just eat the damn thing instead of teasing his friends.

“Oh come on Austin! You can’t tell me you’re not turned on by that.” Max said.

“No, like I said. It’s just a cookie.” Austin lied. He was very turned on, but he would never admit it. At least he wasn’t staring like his friends were.

“Whatever.” Black shrugged and continued to watch her.

Sky knew the three guys were watching her eat her delicious M&M cookie so she started eating it more slowly and seductively. She didn’t care about catching the attention of the two guys on the outside. It was the guy in the middle she wanted to notice her.

Austin Romeo Aymes had tortured her from the beginning of middle school until the end of her sophomore and his junior year. Sky used to be fat, and Austin loved to pick on her. He would laugh at her and call her names like ‘Thunder Thighs Sky’. Each time she would run and hide in the bathroom so she could cry.

Sky made a promise to herself and her doctor at the end of her sophomore year that she would lose the excessive weight and lead a more healthy lifestyle. No one even notice she had lost close to ten pounds by the end of the school year. Sky worked hard the summer before her junior year to lose all the weight, and when she returned to school in the fall no one recognized who she was until she told them. Then she set out to get revenge on every person who had ever made fun of her. Sky humiliated every person who had picked on her except for two. The first person she never wanted to talk about again, and the second person left before she could get back at him for what he had done.

Now that she had Austin in her sights, Sky was not going to let him get away again. He had left before she came back to school as a complete new person, and now it was time to make him pay. Austin had been the main one to pick on her.

Sky got up from the table she was sitting at in the quad and slowly began to walk towards them with what was left of her cookie.

“Dudes I think she is coming over here.” Blake said excited ly.

Sky finally made it to the guys and looked directly at Austin. This was going to be fun.

“Hi, I couldn’t help but notice you watching me enjoy this delicious cookie.” Sky purred working her magic.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” Austin smirked.

“Well, I have a little left. Want a bite.” She broke a piece off and offered it to him.

He reached for the cookie, but Sky pushed his hand away. She shook her head, and Austin realized she wanted to feed the cookie to him. He smile then leaned in to take the piece of cookie from her. His mouth wrapped around her fingers as he took the cookie and she smile. Sky had him right where she wanted him. Austin was melting in the palm of her hands.

She offered him the last piece and Austin eagerly reached for the cookie with his mouth wanting more, but right as his lips were about to touch it Sky popped the piece of cookie in her mouth and giggled.

Austin liked that she was teasing him. He instantly kissed her on the lips after she finished eating what was left of the cookie. He could still taste the chocolaty sweetness on her lips. He bit her bottom lip wanting more and she opened for him without even hesitating.

Sky pulled out of the kiss and whispered iin Austin’s ear.


“What?” Austin asked confused.

“Of course you wouldn’t recognize me, Austin.” Sky laughed.

“How do you know my name?”

“We went to school together, but you wouldn’t recognize me unless you had returned for your senior year.”

“I’m sure I would remember a girl as sexy as you are.”

“Back then you would have never called me sexy. Back then you would have called me ‘Thunder Thighs Sky.”

Sky watched as realization began to sink in.


“Yes.” She replied then kissed him again before she walked away leaving Austin and a certain body part in his pants very disturbed.

Sky smiled as she saw the other students on the quad begin to point and laugh at Austin. She looked over her shoulder to see a look of pure embarrassment on Austin’s face. Mission completed. Now it was time to go back to her apartment and get ready for tonight’s party at the Theta Beta Pi fraternity house.

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