Chapter 9

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Getting Back At Romeo 

Chapter 9 

"Traitor," I glared at Leah one last time before we walked into our room.  

"Look I'm sorry he's a nice guy. " Leah defended herself. 

"He wasn't so nice in high school." I muttered plopping down on my bed. 

"Maybe he's trying to make up for all those times. Have you thought about that?" Leah questioned. 

"No and I don't want to." I huffed. 

"You're so stubborn. You can't even see that he likes you." Leah remarked. 

"Now I know you have lost it." I sat up on my bed and looked at her. 

"I'm serious Sky, or shall I say Juliet?" Leah raised an eyebrow. 

"Don't call me that." I snapped. 

"You gonna tell me why y'all call each other Romeo and Juliet? I actually find it quite cute." Leah chuckled. 

"When we were in high school he somehow found out my middle name is Juliet, and he announced it to the whole school. So, I did the same. Ironically his name was Romeo. So if he ever caught me alone he would call me Juliet. One day I surprised him by calling him Romeo. From then on if we were by ourselves we would call each other by our middle names." I explained to her. 

"I think he's secretly liked you for a while." Leah smiled.  

"He tortured me." I reminded her. 

"You know what they say? The boy who pushes you the most and makes you cry is the one that likes you." Leah stated. 

"No I have never heard it said like that before, but I know what you are saying." I chuckled.  

"Well it's usually true." Leah pointed out. 

"Not in my case. I just thunk he likes messing with me. He always has." I told her. 

"Whatever, I'm going to bed." Leah slipped under her covers leaving me to turn off the light.  

I sighed and got up to turn the lights off. Leah couldn't be right. There was no way that Austin liked me like that. I snuggled under my covers and drifted off to sleep. 

The next day I woke up and decided to go to the gym since I hadn't been in a few days. I pulled in some shorts and a shirt and headed out. When I got to the gym it was empty which made me happy. It wasn't uncommon for the gym to be deserted on a Sunday. Everyone was still passed out from their night of partying. I loved coming to the gym on Sunday.  

I started in the treadmill to build my cardio. Then I decided to take a go at the punching bag. I hadn't slept very well last night because Austin haunted my dreams. The one dream I remember the most is of us kissing in his bedroom. He was so confusing. Why did my body have to react to him that way? 

I started punching the bag harder to let out my frustration. I gave it one last good punch sending it flying backwards. It started coming back to me. I ducked knowing for sure that it was going to hit me, but I never felt the impact.  

"Somebody's angry this morning." Said a voice that had become too familiar in the past week.  

"Can I not go anywhere without you being there?" I snapped walking over to the bench where my water bottle was sitting. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Austin asked crossing his arms. 

"It means I am sick and tired of youalways being where I am. I cant get away from you one whole day." I said coolly.  

"it's not like I plan on it." Austin defended himself. 

"Why'd you even come here?" I asked. 

"To work out." Austin thought I meant the gym. 

"I did not mean the gym." I laughed. 

"Then what did you mean?" He looked confused. 

"I meant here. As in this college." I made it more clear for him. 

"Oh, it was closer to my family and I'm big in spending time with family." Austin said simply. 

"I'm going to my room." I huffed. 

"Wait a second." Austin called from behind me. 

"What Austin? What do you want now?" I stomped back over to him. 

"Nothing Juliet." Austin shook his head. 

"Will you quit calling me Juliet? It makes people think we are friends when we are not friends. Oh, and you can quit putting your hands on me in public too. And don't even think about-" My ranting was cut off by Austin knocking me to the floor and kissing me.  

"Get off of me!" I pushed him after he broke the kiss.  

Austin grabbed my hands and pinned them down to the mat with one hand then leaned down to kiss me again. I desperately tried to roll us over so I could free myself from his tantalizing lips, but it was no use. He was much stringer than I was. 

"Don't fight me Juliet." Austin whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back. 

That was it I no longer had any fight left in me. I let Austin contue kissing me until he was content.  

"See that wasn't so bad now was it?" Austin smirked as he helped me up. 

"I need to go shower. See you later." I said then quickly walked away. 

Once in the safety of my room I grabbed some clothes an my bathroom bag and went to take a shower. All I could think about was Austin and why he treated me the way he did. He was so confusing. I didn't know what his true feelings were and I wasn't sure if I truly wanted to know. I let the hot warred cleanse my skin as warm tears streamed down my cheeks. Getting back at Romeo was becoming confuse the he'll out of Juliet.

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