Chapter 39: Bearer of the Light

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Chapter 39: Bearer of the Light

Gazing at Aisu, Naruto addressed Hayami, "I'm sorry, I know I scared you but I didn't mean to."

He then addressed Sasuke next, "Sasuke... Thanks for looking after her and for putting your life on the line for a dead guy. Just get Hayami and yourself away from here."

Sasuke smirked, "Dobe, just make sure that you don't die again. I don't have enough chakra to keep saving your ass"

"You mean 'The Great' Uchiha Sasuke is admitting he's weak? Whatever, get out of here now."

Sasuke nodded and grabbed Hayami and took off. He appeared near Senzairu and the others. When he glanced at Senzairu he asked, "What happened?"

"I lost concentration when the fusion faded. The fact is Xenos did me a favor by allowing me to fuse with him when I was forbidden to do so. He gave me a certain amount of time to get the job done and even without him; I still should have maintained the concentration necessary to execute my jutsu." Senzairu said, still angry at himself.

Shinji spoke, "Be glad that you will get to see your child grow up. With what Naruto has achieved, there is no way he loses."

Sasuke, with his Sharingan activated, turned to Shinji and siad, "What is this, his power is unreal."

"Naruto has become the 'Bearer of The Light'. Many have wielded the blade over the ages, but only a few achieve this level. Naruto has tapped into the pinnacle of the sword's ability." Senzairu informed everyone.

"So he's drawing all of this power from the sword?" Sasuke asked.

Shinji shook his head, "No. The power that you sense is all Naruto."

Kakashi was the first to say, " is that possible? How can one person have this much power?"

"This is Naruto's potential realized. The Bearer of the Light, from what my Grandfather and Ryuho-oji have told me is that it unlocks a persons potential bringing it forth and making it a reality. Naruto potential is being realized right now. I'm not an expert at sensing Chakra, but even I can sense how powerful he has become. He was the one all along. The blade has selected the World's Champion." Shinji stated with pride.


Naruto was still standing before Aisu with his sword pressed against 'Dragon's Fang'. It didn't take Aisu long to fade from everyone's view only to appear in the sky, high above the rest of the group.

Pulling his sword back into his left side and holding it tight, dark flaming charka was being sucked into the sword. When the sword was encased by black flame, Aisu thrust the sword in Naruto's direction sending a black beam heading toward him.

Senzairu was worried, and his voice revealed his lack of calm, "If he doesn't move or do anything he will not survive. That is one of Aisu's..."

Senzairu didn't even finish his sentence; he was in too much shock to do so.

Hinata, Shinji, Tsunade, Sasuke, Hayami, Sakura, Kakashi, Tenzou, Baki, Gai, Asuma, Kurenai, Hanabi, Neji, Lee, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Ino, Tenten,Konohamaru, Gaara, Temari, Kankerou, Genma, Yokoana, Sasame, Ranpu, Makeinu, Akuru, Futeki, Yasumi, Naiya, Safaia, Jiraiya, and Yumi all watched with shocked eyes.

Naruto had caught the beam with his left hand. Aisu was more than shocked as he watched his attack dissipate in Naruto's hand. The young man covered in the golden chakra cloak never took his eyes off of the half man and half dragon.

Sasuke was the first to speak "Naruto... it seems he has achieved a level that surpasses us all."

Shikamaru nodded, "So it would seem. I guess it's safe to say he is the strongest shinobi of our generation. He may not become Hokage but I think that he will be equally if not more respected after today. This fight... it's pretty much over."

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