Chapter 27: Area 44 and Prelims (Chuunin Exams Pt. II)

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As promised two chapters for your guys. I hope you guys like it. Just remember to review each chapter separately. Now without further adieu, Here is chapter 27 and 28, enjoy.
Chapter 27: Area 44 and Prelims (Chuunin Exams Pt. II)

Naruto sat there waiting patiently. Naiya motioned for Naruto to follow her into the kitchen. When the group was in the Kitchen, Naruto and Kaito both took a seat. Naiya, however, went to make some coffee.

"So, why are you here, Fox?" Kaito asked

"I was attacked by Konoha ANBU, a division called Root. I'm looking for Jiraiya, I figure he's bound to pop in on you soon enough." Naruto said.

Naiya walked back up to the group with a cup of Joe in her hand. She then took a seat next to Kaito, "So I was right. I can only assume that you dispatched of the Root squad that was after you."

"I had no choice. And what's this you were right?" Naruto asked hoping she could give him some more insight.

"Well, the man who runs this division, Danzou, operates it as a single entity completely separate from the Hokage's authority. When I said I was right, I meant he obviously sees you as a threat." Naiya informed Naruto.

Naruto was getting pissed, anyone could tell by the frustrated look, "Great, another fucking person who wants me dead. At least Obaa-chan was smart enough to place a mole in Root."

"A mole, what are you talking about?" Naiya wondered.

"The squad that attacked me had a member who was under Tsunade's orders to escort me back to Konoha. I think she did this because the guy who was the mole was the member who replaced me in Kakashi's squad. He is in the town a hundred miles from here. I'm supposed to meet him at noon today." Naruto informed the two.

Kaito stroked his chin, "Well I guess you should meet him."

Naruto shook his head, "I'm not going to meet him. If I know Obaa-chan, he is going to be in constant contact and give her updates on me. I can't have that. I was going to ask you to get in contact with Jiraiya, but you seem to know the situation."

"Well I don't know it all, what I do know is that Danzou wants you dead. I'm guessing he fears you learning the Hiraishin," Naiya said to the young man before her.

"Well I guess I have no choice then." Naruto stood up.

Both looking at him, Kaito spoke, "No choice, what are talking about Naruto?"

"When you guys see Jiraiya, tell him to meet me at the junction where the demon and the angel fell together. He'll know what I'm talking about." Naruto Shunshin'd out of the kitchen using smoke to cover his tracks.

Naiya cursed herself for not asking him about the Hiraishin. She turned to Kaito, "Do you know what the hell he meant by that?"

Kaito shook his head, "No clue whatsoever. I wonder where he's heading though."

Konoha 9 am...

All of the Genin squads that qualified for the second exam were standing in front of Ino, who was standing in front of the metal fence that sealed off the forest. "Okay, before we begin the second exam I'm going to pass out these forms to everyone."

Ino showed everyone that was gathered the forms in here hand. Everyone was giving her a look of confusion so she explained, "The forms are consent forms."

"Consent forms... Why?" Akuru asked.

Ino proceeded to answer, "From here on out, people will die and the Leaf village will not be responsible for anyone's death. Our shinobi included."

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