Chapter 6: The Reason Why

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Chapter 6: The Reason Why

Naruto had awakened to see that Sasuke was already up and dressed. After letting his eyes get adjusted to his surrounding, he then looked around to see that the beds around him were neatly made. He then turned his head to Sasuke. "What time is it?"

"It's 3 in the morning. Everyone is up getting prepared; I suggest you clean up so we can be prepared to move out at 0400 hours." This was the response given by Sasuke.

Naruto slowly lifted himself out of the bed. He walked to the bathroom to freshen himself up. Before he walked past Sasuke, who was leaning a wall near the bathroom with arms folded, the Uchiha spoke, "I'll be in the girls room, I expect you to be there in 15 minutes so we can go over a few things."

Naruto looked at Sasuke and nodded, he then entered the bathroom to freshen up. Sasuke left the room and headed to the room that belonged to the females of the group. The holder of the Sharingan entered the room. Sakura, who was sitting on a bed next to Hanabi, looked up, "Oh Sasuke-kun you're here. All of us are ready to head out whenever you are. I assume that Naruto is getting ready as we speak?"

He nodded, "Yes, he's freshening up a bit. Sakura, where are Hinata, Konohamaru, and Udon?"

"They went to get us something to eat at the local tavern." Sakura answered.

Sasuke went to lean on a wall next to the window. Hanabi was fixing the gloves on her hand. Her Chuunin/Jounin vest was lying neatly on the floor next to her sandals. The said Kunoichi placed her headband on her forehead; she then slipped into her black sandals and put on her vest. Sakura was already fully dressed in the standard Chuunin/Jounin outfit. Just when Sakura got off of the bed to stand up; Hinata, Konohamaru, and Udon walked into the room.

"Hello Hanabi-chan." Konohamaru greeted the younger Hyuuga.

She looked at the boy, "Hello." She returned the greeting emotionlessly.

Sakura looked at Hinata who was standing next to Konohamaru, "So what did you guys get?"

"We got some rice balls and some water from a local shop that was surprisingly open at this hour." Hinata responded. Hinata looked around the room sensing one person missing from the group, "Sakura-san, where is Naruto?"

Sasuke spoke up, "He should be here any minute."

Right on cue, Naruto walked into the room sporting a navy blue jacket and pants with blue sandals. His outfit was an exact copy of almost everyone else's excluding the vest. Sasuke wore a black outfit with the Uchiha symbol on the back of his vest.

"Good morning everyone", Naruto said, greeting everyone in the room. Everyone, with the exception of Hanabi and Sasuke returned the greeting. Sasuke walked up to the table that was similar to the one in the boy's room, he then laid out the map and ordered everyone to gather around.

Sasuke pointed to a marking on the map, "Ok we're here and we need to go there. According to Naruto's intel, we should run into enemy nins about around here. Getting pass the nins really isn't the problem, the problem is getting across the border undetected. If I were by myself, then it would be no problem to do so, but there is a group of us and we all vary in speed. Sakura, Naruto, and I have the speed necessary to get pass undetected. You four on the other hand I'm not so sure about, which is why we're leaving in about 45 minutes."

"I see, you want us to stay under the cover of the night. Even if we don't have the speed, getting across undetected should be easier. The darkness gives us a great advantage", Hanabi said understanding Sasuke's intentions.

Naruto looked at Hanabi, "That's not the only reason why we have the advantage."

She gave Naruto a question look, "Care to elaborate on what you mean by that not being our only advantage."

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