Chapter 29: Calm Before The Storm

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Chapter 29: Calm Before The Storm

One Week later outside of Konoha, 9 AM...

It was always a beautiful thing to see; the sun shine bright. The blue skyline; the clouds that were suspended in the sky, just added to the beauty of mornings. At least that's what Makeinu thought before he crashed into a stone in a secluded area of dirt. Ranpu crashed next to him a few seconds later.

Standing in front of the boys a few feet away was none other than their sensei. Watching the boys of his squad slowly rise, then slip into a fighting stance brought him joy. They knew they were out classed, yet they kept coming at him with everything they had. He wasn't holding back, well he was, but he wasn't showing them any mercy. Every mistake they made, he made them pay for it dearly. If they were to face those two boys from Cloud, there was no room for errors. Their taijutsu was excellent, but they still had holes that needed to be covered up. Granted, it would take more than a month to become the next Maito Gai, but he was certain that he could get them to a point that would assure that they'll survive. He didn't know if they realized it, but they would be fighting for their lives in the finals.

Seeing the boys breathing hard, add that to the fact that they've been training for the last 3 hours and fighting for the last one, it was time that they took a break. "That's enough for now. We will resume training again at 3 pm."

Makeinu was relieved; he purposely fell on his back with his arms stretched out, "I thought you were hard before sensei, but this is crazy! I wonder if you're like this with Konohamaru-nii-san."

Ranpu, who was resting on one knee couldn't help but wonder as well. Senzairu was usually hard on them, but this training just took the cake. He brutally beat the hell out of them. Ranpu understood his reasons, but he didn't expect him to fight them like they were opponents. "I guess it can't be helped. He's preparing us for them."

Senzairu never really thought about his training methods being "crazy" as Makeinu stated, but he didn't want to tell the boy that Konohamaru's training was indeed much harder. "Wait a minute... what better way to give them motivation." He answered Makeinu's question, "Well to be quite honest with you two, I don't think you would survive Konohamaru's training regimen. To put it more bluntly you two are not ready for what I put him through."

Ranpu narrowed his eyes at that comment and Makeinu sat up, showing his disdain for the comment. Senzairu smirked at the boys' reaction. "At least I know they will come at me harder when we resume training." He turned his back on the boys and started to walk away, "You guys rest your bodies. Meet back here at three in the afternoon today." Using the Body Flicker Technique, he left the two alone.

Makeinu glanced at his teammate, "We have to land a hit on that bastard. I think that would show him that we can handle anything he throws at us."

"For the first time I agree. Don't worry, we'll get our hit." Ranpu said to his teammate.

He then stood up and walked over to the boy. Kneeling down next to him, he draped the dead-last's arm over his shoulder, using himself as a support for the boy.

"I think we should head back, regain our strength, and then come back at the appointed time to kick his ass." Ranpu's words caused Makeinu to pump his fist in the air. Doing this also caused the boys to fall on their butts.

Shaking his head, "You are such an idiot sometimes, I swear." Makeinu just scratched his head at Ranpu's remarks.

Cloud Village...

A shinobi should never underestimate his opponents. Doing so could lead to one's demise. He didn't believe his father's words when he said it to him upon him graduating the academy, maybe it was because he was the number one rookie and everyone in his age range; some even a few years older, were weaker than him. Now thinking back on it, his father was right. He did underestimate the girl that he had hospitalized nearly a week ago, he even underestimated the other two members of her team. Even though he believed the Hyuuga would give him a good fight, he still underestimated his skill, until he surprised him with that speed of his. The boy was nearly as fast as him. His father was right, underestimation of one's opponent could be your downfall.

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