Chapter 26: Insight (Chuunin Exams Part I)

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Chapter 26: Insight (Chuunin Exams Part I)

Konoha, 11 am...

The Chuunin exams were set to start in another hour. Participants were gathered at the Academy where the test was to be administered. Squad Four had intended to head there, however their Sensei ordered them to meet him at his home.

Standing in the backyard with the squad in front of him, Senzairu spoke, "I just want to say that I'm proud of you guys. Each and every one of you has improved a great deal. I have no doubt in my mind that you guys will win. I got you guys something."

Senzairu started to open the box that was in front of him. Senzairu had outfits specially made for his squad. Akuru and Makeinu were excited; Ranpu couldn't care less. Senzairu handed each member their outfit. The outfits were the same mostly, with slight alterations. Everyone had black shirt, black sweats, and black outfit, but again each outfit was different. Makeinu outfit consisted of a black long sleeve shirt with the red swirl in the back found on most Jounin vests. However, his swirl, like the rest of the outfits Senzairu gave to his students, had a black phoenix in the middle. Akuru outfit was similar, with exception that her shirt was a tank top. Ranpu's outfit was slightly different from the others. The difference in his outfit was that on the right breast of the black sleeveless shirt, the Hyuuga symbol could be seen. Ranpu didn't want to admit it, but he liked the outfit a lot.

Senzairu watched as they gave the outfits a once over, "I figure it's the least I could do for you guys. After all, the phoenix represents that I'm with you in spirit and to have a never-die attitude; you are Squad 4, the best damn Genin squad in this tournament. Show them what you are capable of."

Makeinu pump his fist in the air, "Yes. We are the greatest squad. Watch Senzai-sensei, I'm going to kick ass in this exam."

Senzairu was glad that he was confident, the boy would need it. "That's the spirit. If you guys want to change, you can change inside the house."

Ranpu wanted to ask Senzairu something before he went to change, "Sensei, what about our weights?"

The group turned to look at Senzairu, "Keep them on. I will tell you guys when to take them off. Also, you guys should hurry; the exams are in another hour." Squad 4 knew they didn't have time. They went inside the house to change into their new outfits.

30 minutes later...

Squad Four had finally arrived at the academy for the exam. When they entered the class room, Makeinu looked around and he couldn't believe how many people were actually taking the exam. Sitting in the far left of the room was that Cloud squad. He exchanged glances with Jikoku. The boys continued their staring contest until Makeinu heard a voice that he hadn't heard in a long time.

"So, you guys are here as well. This should be interesting." The mysterious black-haired brown-eyed teen said.

"Kiseki, Taishita, and Futeki... what are you guys doing here?" Akuru asked Kiseki.

Futeki, the black haired light brown eyed genin answered, "What do you think we're doing here, Akuru? We're here for the exams just like you guys are."

"So it seems we all made it after all. Didn't believe Tenzou sensei, but I guess he was right about it being six year since the rookies from the current graduating class taking the exams. How are you guys doing?" Funkazan Yougan, a black haired and black eyed genin.

Makeinu turned to see Squad Eight walking up to the group, "I see you, Niiro, and Yasumi made it as well."

Niiro, the brown hair green eyed genin of squad 8 spoke, "Damn right we made it. We trained like hell, were going to crush all squads coming our way."

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