chapter 18: Samurai Blues (Part II)

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Chapter 18: Samurai Blues (Part II)

Sea Country, 10:30...

Ryuho and Aisu were still clashing. Ryuho cursed himself for becoming too relaxed and lazy. Although his skill hadn't diminished, his speed was not what it once was and it showed. He was taking to the defensive in this battle and he could not turn the tables. He could hear the screams from inside the compound and he would get glances of various battles, which were not going in the favor of his family. After blocking a strong blow from Aisu's blade, Ryuho used all of the speed he could muster to move as far as he could from the Raikage.

Breathing hard, Aisu laughed at the man before him, "Are we out of breath already, or is this just a clever ploy? If you are tired, then I should put you out of your misery now."

Ryuho couldn't help but smirk at Aisu's cockiness, "Put me out of my misery? Not to be full of myself, but I'm not the head of the clan for nothing."

"Of course not, you are the head because your brother died." Aisu said sarcastically.

His comment touched a nerve, Ryuho narrowed his eyes at the Dragon summoner, "You're right about that, but you are completely wrong about my power. It's true my brother was the rightful heir, but we were both cut from the same cloth. I couldn't have wielded Heaven's Blade if I were weak. Also, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve."

"I bet you do." Aisu said while shifting into an attack position.

"The Minashu clan bloodline is also something to be feared, by most anyway."

"Hpmh, so he knows...not surprising when you think about who trained him."

Black aura started to slowly come from Aisu, surrounding his whole form. "I however, I am one of the few who has the ability to combat a Kekkei Genkai such as yours.

The black chakra started to erupt from his body; this took Ryuho by surprise, but then he realized what was happening. "He's drawing Sorro's chakra. It is possible since he has the contract of the Dragons. So, he is finally getting serious. This chakra is stronger than I expected, but I have no choice but to stand my ground. If I had Heaven's Blade, then I'm sure that I would have a much better chance of winning. Without the Blade, my chances are not as good as I would like. If it was any other opponent, then it wouldn't matter, however he has the Dragon contract and Dragon's Fang. Also, he was trained in the Wicked Wind; add all of that up, and it's not hard to see that he clearly has the advantage. But I'm always up for a good fight."

"It's been a long time since I used Naiteki Reikon" Ryuho stated as he readied himself for another round. Shifting into his fighting position, a sky blue light outlined his body. Ryuho eyes were no longer the color of coal; they were now the color of the morning sky.

Hiyayaka smile grew even wider "It's been a while since I have seen Naiteki Reikon, but every time I see it, it is truly a sight to behold. "His power is elevated dramatically in this form. He could probably go head to head with Kouen when he is using all five tails of Gobi no Hoko in this state. Well, so could I. This should definitely make for an interesting battle."

For the first time in this battle, Ryuho shifted into an offensive position, "No more holding back. It ends here."

"Yes, yes it does." Aisu screamed as the black chakra started to rise, signifying that his power was growing.

The blue light outline on Ryuho started to get brighter, signifying the same thing. Both warriors were in a class that few had reached and would ever reach. The power coming off of them would have sent most warriors running in fear. Ryuho performed a couple slashes in the air with his sword, "Razor's edge should hold him off."

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