Chapter 9: Revelations

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thank you all for the support especially one-kingdom since she is my biggest fan lol.

Chapter 9: Revelations

Hinata was shock to see Naruto standing over her. He extended his hand and gave her a smile of assurance, from that point she knew that he wouldn't harm her. She took his hand and used as support. Hinata stood, but wobbled a little before Naruto grabbed.

"Are you ok Hinata?" Naruto asked with concern.

"I'm fine Naruto-kun, just a little weak that's all. By the way, where am I?" Hinata asked out of curiosity.

"You're at my house Hinata. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Howaito Naiya." Naiya extend her hand for Hinata to shake.

Hinata took the ladies hand and shook it, "Nice to meet you Naiya-san."

"I remember hearing your name from Gai-san. He said that you were known as the Seal Mistress. If I'm here then that means ..." Hinata was cut of by Naruto.

"I ask Naiya to remove the seal from your head" Naruto answered.

Hinata looked at Naruto with sad eyes, "Naruto-kun, thanks but I can't let this be done. It would be going against my family. Besides, it is better for everyone this way."

Naruto looked at Hinata and shook his head, "Here I thought you were smart but you dumber and weaker than I thought."

Hinata eyes went wide. Naruto's words had shocked and hurt at the same time. The one person she cared for now saw her as everyone else did. She put her head down, "I'm sorry Naruto-kun."

Naruto grabbed her and threw her against the wall, this frightened Hinata. He looked deep into her eyes, "Tell me Hinata, is this what you wanted? Do really think that it's better that your father disowned you? Do you think it's for the better that you are now a slave in your own home? Do think it's better to have a division in your family, Huh?" Naruto punched the wall next to Hinata's head, "Tell me got damn it!" Naruto screamed.

Tears started to fall out Hinata's eyes. She was scared and confused by Naruto's actions. Naruto saw her fear and tears; he immediately let her go causing her to fall to the floor. He looked away from her then in a low tone, "Hinata, you're too nice of a person. If I learned anything is that when you are too nice people will walk all over you. I know you're not happy and I know you don't think having that seal is for the best. So tell me Hinata what do you want?" Naruto asked.

Hinata thought about for a minute. She stood up and wiped her tears, "I want to be strong...strong like you Naruto-kun."

Naruto chuckled at that, "You think I'm strong? Yea I can beat a few people and I can..."

Hinata quickly cut him off, "That's not what I meant. I never gave up even when people would put you down. You stand up for what you believe in and you are willing to fight for it. The strength that you have isn't physical, it's more in you're attitude, to be more precise it is you confidence and utter belief in yourself that makes you strong. So when I say I want to be strong like you that's what I meant."

Naruto looked at Hinata with a serious expression." Then why not just stand up for what you believe in? Hinata, things aren't going to change if all you do is wish them too. You want to make a change you got to do it yourself. Hinata, you're strong then you think. I think what's holding you back is that you're trying to live up to everyone's expectations but your own."

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