Chapter 7: Golden Fox: The birth of a Legend

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Chapter 7: Golden Fox: The Birth of a Legend

Everyone stared at Naruto, who began to speak, "It all started the day that I left the village. I felt no matter how hard I tried to get the villagers to acknowledge me, they never would. So I decided to head to Wave Country..."


Naruto was walking in the forest. He was mumbling to himself as he walked, "Stupid village, I don't know why I ever tried. It doesn't matter anymore because they will see their mistake when I become stronger."

Naruto drew a kunai from his pouch and slit the palm of his hand. He let the blood drop to the ground, "I swear that I will become stronger. I won't take the easy way out like Sasuke; no, I will train to become the greatest ninja ever. Konoha, when I reach my goal you better pray I put how I was treated behind me because I swear if I don't I will crush the village."

He didn't even bother with wrapping the deep wound; it had begun the process of healing. As he walked away slowly, he looked back at the village and narrowed his eyes. They will see their mistake one way or another.

Naruto had walked for hours trying to figure out where he should go, finally it came to him: "Maybe I should visit Tazuna. That's what I will do; I'll head to Wave Country."

End of Flashback

"So you went to see Tazuna and his family after you left?" Sakura asked the blond shinobi.

He nodded "Yes, I did visit Tazuna and his family. It's funny, in Wave I'm seen as a hero, but in my hometown I'm nothing more than a person that the villagers hate without justified cause."

"You're a hero in Wave bro?" Konohamaru said looking at his idol with stars in his eyes.

"I guess it had something to do with the mission that Team 7 had in Wave. It shocked me too when I found out. What also shocked me was that they named their bridge the Great Naruto Bridge" Naruto said in a modest tone.

"Why did they name a bridge after you? You weren't the only one who helped in that mission you know." Sasuke said with slight hint of jealousy.

Naruto just shrugged, "I don't know, ask Tazuna the next time you see him. Would it have been better if was The Great Sasuke Bridge?"

Sasuke smirked at the blue-eyed young man, "Of course it would have been better."

"You arrogant bastard, not even getting your ass kicked changed that fact." Naruto thought.

Sakura spoke to break the tension between the two "Naruto, I think you should continue with your story."

Naruto continued, "Where was I? Oh yeah I went to visit Tazuna and his family. The village treated me like I was human, so I decided to stay for a while. I was in Wave for three months, and then I left. Tazuna gave me a nice sum of money so I wouldn't go hungry during my travels. Then, I headed to Water Country. While there I, met a missing-nin by the name of Saichi Kaito"

"Let me guess, you trained under him right?" Sasuke stated.

"Yes, I trained under him." Naruto said.

"Shocking that an S-class missing-nin would take the time to train anyone," Udon stated.

"So that explains the water techniques you used against Sasuke-sama", Hanabi pointed out.

"How did you meet him Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked in a soft tone.


"I've been in this country for two months and I still haven't found a ramen stand. I hope that this town has ramen or I'm going to die." Naruto said to out loud to himself.

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