“We need to talk,” I said firmly to her. She completely ignored that, and started to kiss below my ear. I pushed away, and looked at her until she opened her eyes and found mine.

           “What?” she asked, licking her lips

           “I don’t think we should be together anymore, if that’s what this is.” I didn’t even bother beating around the bush, or I’d know she’d start in on me again.

           “We’re over?” she belatedly asked, taken a back. Then something seemed to hit her. “Can I go hookup with that guy who barely ever drinks?” she slurred out.

           I suppressed a smile, “You mean Jack?”

           “Sure! He is a really, really nice guy. Am I allowed to?” Her eyes got big with wonderment.

           “Yes, Anna, you have my permission.”

           “Yay!” She almost tripped down the stairs while getting up, but caught herself. And once again, she was out of sight.

           So that’s who Jack was crushing on. I smiled to myself, glad that I got that out of the way. I kept going up the stairs, to find a solitary door. Not thinking, I opened it to find the lights dimmed.

           “Hey man, get out,” I looked over to see the guy I met earlier; I think his name was Brendan? And Auden leaned over towards him.

           I stuttered, surprised to see Auden there. She’s never had a boyfriend before, which I know of.

           “Auden?” I smirked, and she fell back onto the couch which faced a giant TV. It was a neat room, a mini fridge in the corner, and a window that showed the rain pouring in the front yard, . It was like an attack, but with a bed and bunch of cool entertainment gadgets.

           “Yessss,” she sighed out, then turned around to give me the warning look of, “get out”.

           “Sorry, I was just looking for Jules…do you kn-“ her eyes perked up and she smiled, now kneeling on the couch, leaning her head on the back.

           “You made her mad before, but since I like you two together, and I know Jules, I’ll tell ya where she is.”

           I smiled gratefully at this.


           I scurried down the stairs, not wanting her to move. She was going to go home any minute, as soon as she could. I needed to do this now. I pushed through the people, and opened the front door to see huge droplets of rain falling from the sky. I squinted my eyes, to look for her blonde hair, and for the gold reflecting off of the light coming from inside. Something caught my eye, standing under a tree alone. I closed the door, and tried to run over there without getting soaked, but it really was no use.

           “Do you remember the first time that we got together?” I yelled out, the rain was so loud on the ground. I have no clue where it came from, and by that, I mean either the rain or my question.

           She turned around, her curls trying to withstand the rain, and her makeup under her eyes. I felt myself loosen up, and take a step closer. She was soaked also; the coverage obviously not working as well as she wanted it too.

           She shook her head yes, and I began to wonder if it was the tears or the rain that had smudged her makeup.

           “You then remember our promise?” I said softer, she took a step towards me, and dropped her heels from her hands.

           She didn’t respond, she was hesitant, so I kept going. “It was to not let anything get in the way of our friendship.” I paused for a little, unsure how to put the next part. “I know you probably thought I was happy about our promise; but I wasn’t. And I’m still not happy now.” She let out a weep, and looked away.

           “I’m absolutely in love with you. I have been, even before we were together. I just didn’t realize it.”My heart was racing, hoping for anything but rejection.

            She ran up to me, and threw her arms around my neck. It was so nice to smell her unique smell again, and have her head fit perfectly into the crevasse between my neck and shoulder. She was cold, but she wrapped her legs around my waist. She looked at me in the eyes, and planted a kiss on my lips.

           ” I couldn’t end it like this, we were meant for more than that.” I said to her after our lips parted.

           “I know, I’m so sorry,” she cried to me. “I was afraid, and Jack never meant-“

           “I know,” I smiled at her.

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