Chapter 14:

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Diana's (P.O.V):

"Back in Boulder, our family was the richest! And I know what you are thinking that if her family was the richest family, how come she didnt had a good life?! But the thing is I had a very horrible life.

I had no friends in my school.. although I was rich af but people hated me. I was bullied in school a lot. People told me how ugly I am! How I never can get any guy! How I am such a disgrace to the world! A mistake! People would call me names! Even some would physically hurt me..
I never got the answer to why they hated me?! Even when my father died no one showed me any sympathy..."

"Wait.. your father died?"

"No! He didnt die! He was killed!"

"I am sorry!"

"Why are you sorry? It wasn't your fault?" He smiled. "Some people were after his money. We were told that he was blackmailed. And through blackmailing he was asked for $40,000! Afcourse he refused because he thought its some kind of joke! But then they killed him! They freaking killed him without thinking that he has a daughter and a wife!" Tears flowed out from my eyes. Aiden hugged me and for the first time I didn't deny it instead I liked it! I felt safe and comfortable.

"You don't have to continue it Diana!" Aiden said.

"I want to! It feels good to let it out!" I replied. "Mum and Dad were my best friends! And the most astonishing thing is that they both knew about my teasing and bullying but they never brought up because they thought I was strong. But little did they knew I cried myself to sleep. Even though I had the best family ever, i was depressed by my school fellows." I wiped my tears and sat up straight. "One main problem that I had which I was improving here was, I could never talk to people. I wasn't confident. Hell I couldn't even talk to kids without stuttering! And thats why when you snapped at me, it reminded me of the people there and I acted strangely!"

"I am so sorry Diana! I didnt know!"

"Its alright Aiden! But the thing is the school girls here are the same as my previous school! It will be difficult for me to progress!" I nervously chuckled.

"Nah it wont be!" Aiden smiled. "I am gonna help you!"


"Yes me Diana! I am not the bad boy as people say and all those rumors about me are not true! I dont go sleeping around with girls and do drugs!"

"I never believed the rumors! Cause there were rumors about me as well in my previous school! So you know..."

"So will you let me help you and become friends with me?" He raised his hand for a handshake. Should I?
I shook hands with him.

"Yea friends!" I smiled. He hugged me. "So whats your story mister?"

"I think its getting late.. we should head home!" He stood up.

"Oi! Where do you think you are going?!" I pulled him down. "Did you forget your promise!"

"Haha okay fine fine!" He laughed. "Just like you my, best friends were my parents. My dad was my role model. I always use to look up to him. But then one day, he came home drunk. Mum wasn't home at that time. He was so drunk that he spilled his secret and said that he cheated on mum. I got angry and decided to tell my mum. At that time, I had an elder brother, who was like just 13 months older then me, and a younger brother who was just 5 years old. I told mum and she said she already knew. I was shocked but I was happy that she stayed strong. Anyways, my Dad one day came home with divorce papers, and made mum signed. Mum was crying but he didnt care. My elder brother Matt and I were given a choice as to who we want to live with, of course I chose mum as I was very close to her, as for Matt, he chose Dad. We both had a fight. We use to be so close but a divorce threw us apart. As for my younger brother Freddie, he didnt had any choice. He wanted to live with mum, but Dad dragged him away when he moved. I still remember those horrid moments, Freddie's cries and Mum's secret sobs." He had tears in his eyes. "I miss my both brothers so much. Its been like four years and they haven't even contacted us." It was now my turn to hug him.

"Seems like our fathers were similiar!" I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"But your father didnt change into an asshole!"

"You didnt get bullied! Everyone faces different problems!"

"Yea! You are right!"

"I am always right!" I smirked.

"Hahaha very funny Di!" He rolled his eyes. "Wait you never told me why I cant call you Di?"

"Well my dad use to call me that! After his death even my mom stopped calling me that!"

"Oh I am sorry! I wont call you Di again!"

"Actually Aiden its alright! You can call me Di! I have to move on!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" He did a fake victory whoop. "Haha! You know every morning my dad used to teach me and Matt different recipies!"

"Oh my god! My dad use to do the same! And on every Friday night we both together with ny mom would do a sleepover. We would stay up all night and like watch a film and eat pizza!"

"Damn it! We did the same thing on friday nights! Well our fathers were similar!" I laughed.

"Totally!" He chuckled. His phone rang. He picked it up and out it on speaker.

"Dude! We cant find Diana anywhere!" Came Dave's voice.

"Umm actually Dave I found her! We are heading home!"

"You dickhead! You should've told us!"

"Sorry! Got carried away!"

"What?! You guys kissed or something?" Came Kelly's voice.

"No Kelly! We just talked!" I replied.

"Okay well we'll see you guys soon then!"

"Yea okay bye!"

Whoop whoop!! I updated! Yayayya!
Ignore the typos and grammar please!
Vote and comment!!
I will see you guys soon!
All the love

IG>> Nawaal_nasir99

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