Underneath the Mistletoe

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Underneath the Mistletoe

Child!Ace x Child!Reader


Haha I hope y'all are having a spanking Christmas with your friends, families & lovers. I've heard that those in America have just finished finals/exams, so to you guys, I say Good luck (or Gambatte!)! You're all talented, beautiful, on fleek, and are so sweet! All thanks to you guys, i some how got to 6k....THATS CRAZY! Only a few months ago i joined wattpad so this is really great, I appreciate all the comments & votes, and views from every single one of you.

Have a Merry Christmas guys! And have a Happy New year/Happy Birthday for Portgas D Ace!

Ahhh yes....his birthday is coming up as well! Another special one shot fir his birthday then!

Haha i should probably get to the story now, BUT THANK YOU AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!


(Y/N) pov
I opened my eyes & smiled, knowing exactly what day it is today. I got out of bed, and sneaked over to the boys room, being careful that I didn't wake Dadan up.

Opening their bedroom door, I saw that the three boys were still sleeping, their blankets all messed up. Quietly giggling, I snuck over to Sabo's bed & shook him awake.

"Sabo-kun! Sabo-kun! Wake up, wake up, wake up!"I whispered
He groaned."(Y/N)? Come on its early...."
"I don't care! Get up, its Christmas!"I whispered
He yawned & slowly sat up."I know..."
"Then get your lazy ass up!"I hissed

But suddenly, I felt something tackle me to the ground. I squealed,and violently whacked whoever it was.

"Owwww! (Y/N) that hurt!"Luffy whined
"Hurt?! You're the one that bloody attacked me!"I hissed
Luffy pouted."I was saying good morning.."
I giggled & cuddled the 8 year old."Good morning Luffy-kun!"

Then we heard a groan, coming from the other bed. We look over, and saw that Ace was awake. I did a cheesy grin & tackled him to the ground.

"(Y/N)! What the hell?!"
I laughed."Its Christmas!"
Ace grinned back."Hell yeah! Now get off me!"

I got off him & giggled at them.

"Lets gooooo~!"


We all ran out of the house, ignoring Dadans calls to pick up the wrapping paper we tore. We all laughed as Dadan started to get pissed off at us.

"Come on lets go!"

The winter wind blew in our faces, the snow from last night glistening. Usually we'd go out & do training or something, but Ace made the call that we can just muck around.

We stopped out by the treehouse. Everywhere around us was snow, beautiful white snow. I laughed as soon as I saw Sabo get whacked by Aces snowball.

"This means war!"Sabo yelled

I dodged one of Luffys snowballs, and ran to a random spot to make a snow wall. I quickly made one, and threw a huge one at Ace, who got hit & now had snow all over his midnight black hair.

"You're gonna get it, (Y/N)!"Ace yelled comically
Laughing tauntingly, I said:"Get what Ace? Your ass! Because I'm gonna kick it hard!"
"Bring it on, (Nickname)!"

We were split into teams, Sabo being on my team, and Luffy being on Aces. We continuously threw snowballs at each other, either missing, hitting our snow walls, or getting each other.

'Ugh this isn't going to end! Time to try something different!'

"Sabo! I'm gonna sneak up on them!"I whispered
"Go! I'll hold down the fort!"

I quickly hid myself, and ran through the trees, around to Ace & Luffy.

'It seems that they haven't spotted me yet.'

I made two huge snowballs, and quietly snuck up on them. I was now standing directly behind them, and they still haven't seen me! I had the snowballs directly above their heads.

"I WIN!"I yell

I plopped the snowballs on their heads, and ran into the forest. I could hear them chasing after me, yelling colourful words as they ran.

"YOU'RE GONNA GET IT NOW (Y/N)!"Ace yelled

I was a faster runner than them, so I easily out ran them. I quickly turned a corner, and heard them run past the tree. I silently giggled to myself, and began to sneak off.

Only to bump into Ace, and to be backed up against the tree.

"H-hey there Ace! I must say, you're looking fine..."I stuttered
"I told you, you were going to get it."

Then he looked up. I looked up as well, and blushed madly as soon as I saw Luffy directly above us, holding a mistletoe.

"I heard that if you stand under a mistletoe with someone, you have to kiss them."Ace said
"Ace come on, I was just kidding around!"I stuttered
"Do I hear something? I think (Y/N) is scared of kissing!"Ace taunted

In the distance, I heard Sabo & Luffy snicker.

I sighed."Oh what the hell, you're good looking."

So...I kissed him!

The look on his face was priceless! He was going to kiss me, but I backfired on him! Like I wouldn't mind kissing Ace, he is good to look at for such a young age.

I pulled away & smirked."I win!"

I ran off again, an heard Ace chasing me.

"I WANNA KISS (Y/N)!"Luffy yelled

(A/N:Three adorable idiots wanting to kiss you Reader-chan! How lucky! Merry Christmas to all!)

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