Attack on Ace

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Attack on Ace

Commander!Ace x Titan Shifter!Reader


Hahaha i fucking love Attack on Titan! Its just so great (even though almost everyone dies)! Including the fandom as well. Anyone here who's in the fandom & watches the anime?

But anyway, when i woke up, i hissed.

The foking sun was i meh eyes! D:
(There's the opening above!)

Third pov
Everyone in Squad (Y/N) often thought that their Squad leader was emotionless. No one sees her smile anymore! She only ever has a smirk, scowl, or stoic face.

But, (Y/N) is actually, human. She does have emotions.

And they usually act up when Commander Portgas D Ace is around.

You see, her & Ace are childhood friends, and she only ever opens up to him. She feels as if he's the only one around here that understands who she really is. When those two are alone, its play time for them.

If you know what I mean....

After another long night of love & passion, (Y/N) gazed deep into Ace's eyes.

Ace himself has always loved (Y/N). But when they're out Titan slaying, those two try to leave it strictly business, as (Y/N) knows that her Squad will ask questions, and really, she's afraid that someone would try to steal him away from her, and vice versa.

"I want you to stay safe out there, Ace-kun."(Y/N) murmured to his skin
Ace kissed her hair."I know. I won't ever leave you alone. You're too precious."
(Y/N) blushed, and cuddled into her lover.

The next day was the day of an expedition outside the Walls. This time, the Pirate corps were trying to make their way back to Wall Whitebeard, so that they can reclaim the land, irradicate any of the Titans there.


Ace pov
We had to take a short cut through some trees. (Y/N) had to go with another cadet, and help them out.

" & (Y/N), huh yoi?"Marco asked
I spluttered & blushed."I-I have no idea what you're talking about!"
Next to me, my brother Sabo laughed."Come on Ace! We heard you & her last night!"
I grumbled."Look...just don't tell the others, okay? (Y/N) doesn't want anyone to know.."
Marco grinned."Yeah yeah, we'll keep it quiet, yoi."

It was all peaceful & quiet. My brother, Luffy was looking around for any Titans, or as he calls it:'Meat hunting'.

'Then again, those skinless, naked bastards do look like meat..good thing they have no genitals. Otherwise I'll be scarred for life.


I look over to the back left & saw a 15 meter class Titan. It sorta looked like the Collosal Titan that Attacked Wall Whitebeard 5 yeas ago. It had the physique of a woman. With flowing (H/C), jewel like (E/C) eyes, with pixie like ears & red lips.

'In a looks..familiar..'

I saw Luffy grin."I'm gonna call her....the 'Pixie Titan'!"

"SWITCH TO THE 3DM GEAR, YOI!"Marco commanded

We all got off out horses, and whizzed to the big ass trees. I safely hopped onto a tree.

"More Titans encoming!"I yell

The Titans headed straight for the Pixie Titan. We watched as Pixie went into a fighting stance (that was somewhat similar to {Y/N}'s)

"Is it...gonna fight the Titans?!?"Nami said

Pixie whacked a Titan with a fist. Another 12 meter Titan tried to grab Pixie's leg, but it/she kicked it until its body was in the ground. Pixie kicked its head off, and the head bowled more Titans over.

"No way...normal Titans don't do that!"Sabo said
"It can't be an abnormal, because abnormal Titans have no"I gasped."Its a human inside a Titan!"

'Another one?! We only just discovered about Luffy's ability of changing into a Titan!'

I look over to Luffy, who had a straight face (for once), and he was staring at the Pixie Titan. The Pixie Titan herself was beating away any other Titans that were coming near us-

My eyes went wide. Pixie was fighting the Titans to protect us! But why? Yes Pixie feels familiar...but who will the Pixie Titan be?

'Okay lets think. Who looks like the Pixie Titan?'

I jumped off the tree branch I was standing on, everyone yelling at me to come back. I started to fly around Pixie, trying to get a good look.

'Okay so...the way it fights is a lot like (Y/N)...what with the technique & all.'

I saw Pixie's face, and her (E/C) eyes looked at me, and its eyes widened. Pixie quickly chucked a Titan away & grabbed me.

"AACE!"Everyone yelled
"I'M COMING YOI!"Marco yelled

He whizzed over to me, and tried to cut Pixie's fingers. But as soon as Marco's blades made contact with her flesh, it turned to crystal, and his blades snapped off like a twig.


Pixie stared at Marco. Marco had wide eyes, and literally looked like he was in mid air. Pixie grabbed Marco.

"Wait no!"I yell

I tried to wriggle out of her hold, but Pixie had a good grip on me. Marco's voice was muffled, and it sounded like he was screaming. But instead pf killing him, Pixie simply put Marco on another tree.

"It..didn't kill Marco?"Sabo asked bewildered

Pixie looked at me with intense (E/C) eyes.

'And...she looks so much like (Y/N). And that soft smile is like her too..'

I gulped, confirming who the Pixie Titan is.

"(Y/N)? Is that you? Its me, Portgas D Ace...your lover."I said

Pixie gave me a soft smile, she then put me on her shoulder, and pointed at its weak spot. I understood, and sliced her nape open.

And inside, was a woman. She had (H/L) (H/C) hair, and a nice, skinny (but curvy) figure. I pulled her out, and chuckled as soon as I saw (Y/N)'s beautiful face.

I pushed away any hanging hair, and held onto her. She grunted, and slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were the same, beautiful (E/C) colour. (Y/N)'s eyes landed on me, and she smiled lightly.

"Pixie Titan...huh?"She asked
I grin."You're my Pixie Titan, (Y/N)."

(A/N:awwwwww! Hahah so i had an idea. After i finish writing either the Creed & Alice story or the Karma story, I might write a Sabo story. I'm thinking about if i should make it a love triangle with Ace, or if I should have it a straight up Sabo love story. I'm also deciding if its going to be a Reader insert, or an OC. What do you think? Leave a comment!)

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