Chapter 28 Disagreements

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It irritates the fuck out of me that I have to sign over the clubs today because what's gonna be the next? Every time Kevin wants something he's gonna obviously gonna blackmail me.
I get into my car and drive over to Kevin and I'm so nervous because I still have all this anger built inside me from everything he has done to me this far, I'm afraid that I'm gonna lose it again if he starts some shit.

When I park outside the house it feels weird, my stomach is twisting because I have so many memories here, I have so many good memories with Kevin and it hurts that it has to be like this, it hurts that he treats me like this but I guess I deserve it after cheating on him.
I get out of the car and walk up to the front door, I actually hesitate before ringing the doorbell because I don't know if I'm ready to face him already after the day he got me arrested. I ring the doorbell and wait, it feels weird to ring the doorbell because I haven't done that since me and Kevin started dating many years ago. I remember the first time coming to the house when me and Kevin were just partners and hadn't thought about dating each other yet, I thought the house was so cool and I kept thinking to myself that I wanted to live in a house like this one day. Coming to a house like Kevin's was weird because I had never been in such a beautiful house, I grew up in a family where we didn't have much money so houses like his was only something I had seen on TV.
My thoughts get interrupt by Kevin when he opens the door, he doesn't say anything to me but he just takes a step aside so I can enter the door. The fact that he doesn't say anything to me kinda pisses me off, he owes me an apology for everything he has done to me these last couple of days. I follow Kevin into the kitchen and I see Kevin's lawyer sitting at the island which makes me sigh deeply.
"Really Kevin? A lawyer?" I ask him angrily which makes him turn around and look at me with a cold glare.
"Sit down." Kevin just orders me. Who the fuck does he think he is to order me around like that? He knows better than to talk to me like that, he knows how that pisses me off.
"A word Kevin?" I ask him trying to hide my anger.
"No just sit down and sign those papers." He says.
"Not before I have had a word with you." I insist and he looks at me for while, I'm just staring back at him telling him that I'm serious, he finally turns around to look at his lawyer.
"We will be right back Thomas." He says to his lawyer.
"Take your time." Thomas says smiling. Kevin walks to his office and I follow right behind him. It's weird to be in the house without all my things being here. When we enter the office Kevin closes the door behind me and he just waits for me to speak.
"I know what I did is unforgivable but stealing my money and now hiring a lawyer is way over the line." I say angrily.
"You just need to sign those papers and then we won't have a problem." He says. Wooow.. Is that a threat?
"What's gonna come next Kevin? You're ribbing me off from everything I ever had!" I say.
"You can just get your boyfriend to buy you what you need like with the new house he just bought you." He says. I knew he would throw that one in my face, that's why I didn't want Marshall to buy me a house.
"It's Rachel's house."
"As your boyfriend paid for." He says with the most annoying smirk on his face.
"Seeing you like the person you really are makes me not feeling bad for cheating on you." I say and walk to the door to open it, when I suddenly see Kevin place his hand on the door to block my way out, this means he stands right behind me.
"I would choose my words very wisely if I was you Amelia." He says which makes me turn around to look at him.
"You don't scare me Kevin." I say but the way he looks at me right now really scares me.
"You should because if you think that I've been cruel so far, then you won't know what I'm capable of if you makes another comment like that." He says in a scary calm tone and I feel a lump in my throat, it scares the shit out of me that he's like this and it feels like I can hardly breath.
"If you really loved me then you wouldn't do this to me." I say in a low voice because right now it feels like I'm out of air which makes it hard for me to talk.
"If you loved me then you wouldn't had cheated on me." He fires back.
"I've always loved Marshall and you know that Kevin, I'm sorry that I cheated on you but the heart wants what it wants." I explain.
"Exactly and my heart wants to see you lose everything now so don't blame me." He says. This isn't the man I wanted to marry and I'm so glad that I didn't.
"No your anger wants to destroy me." I say.
"Just sign those papers so I don't have see your slutty ass in my house again." He says coldly and it brings tears to my eyes. I didn't think his words could hurt me like this but they do, it hurts that we've had so many good years together and now it's like I'm dirt to him.
"I can't blame you for being angry with me but please Kevin.." I say and cut myself off when I begin to cry.
"Just sign the papers." He says coldly and he clearly doesn't give a fuck about the fact that I'm crying.
"Promise me you won't bother me again then, promise me that you won't cost me anymore trouble than you've already done." I beg him.
"You broke your promises to me so why should I make some stupid promise to you?" He asks me. I really don't understand why he has the need to make me suffer like this, I don't understand why he does everything to hurt me right now, I know I've hurt him but stealing my money, put me on the street and now make me sign over the clubs, he's gonna ruin my life which I would say is a lot worse than what I did to him.
"Why do you want to ruin my life so bad? I didn't ruin yours by cheating on you so why do you have the need to make me suffer?" I ask him crying.
"Because it makes me happy." He says coldly. He keeps surprising me with his evil site, it's scary that I was about to marry him when he apparently can be this cruel.
"You're sick Kevin." I say.
"And you're a whore." He says which makes me roll my eyes at him. I really just wanna punch him in the face right now but it won't do me any good. "Lets go sign those papers." He says and opens the door behind me. We walk out to Thomas again and I sit down and look through the papers  just to make sure that he ain't gonna pull some trick behind my back.
I sign the papers and takes off my engagement ring, place it on the table, I take my things and then I just leave without saying anything. When I get out in the car I completely break down, I've never felt so stepped on in my entire life by someone I thought cared about me, I actually thought that Kevin cared about me underneath all the anger but now I just see that he hates me, he literally hates me.
I check my phone to discover that Marshall has texted me.

Marshall (11:22AM)
It bothers me that we argue about silly shit

Reply to Marshall (11:39AM)
Call me when you can

I only drive for about 5 minutes when he then calls.

"Hi." I say and it's impossible for me to not sound sad.
"What's wrong baby?" He asks me.
"Kevin had a fucking lawyer over."
"You serious?"
"Yeah so I asked to have a word with him and you can't even imagine how nasty he was in his mouth."
"What did he say to you?"
"Things like he wanted to see me lose everything because it would make him happy."
"He said that?" Marshall asks me and I can just hear how angry he just got now.
"Yeah and he called me a slut and a whore." I say and I begin to cry again.
"I'm gonna show that motherfucker what happens when he disrespects my lady."
"No Marshall please I don't want anymore trouble, okay? He told me himself that I won't wish to see what he's capable of, so can you just let it be?"
"That sounds like a threat to me, did he threaten you?" He asks angrily. Fuck I should really learn to think before I speak.
"Marshall please.." I try to speak but he cuts me off.
"Did he?" He asks me again and before I can answer him I hear a little girl talking in the background.
"Daddy?" The girls says.
"Yeah baby?" Marshall says in a sweet kind voice which actually makes me smile. I have never heard him using his sweet daddy voice and it makes my knees really soft.
"Can we please watch a movie now?" The girl asks.
"When daddy is done talking on the phone Hallie, is that cool?" He asks her and I don't hear an answer from the girl but instead Marshall speaks again. "Cool baby, I'll be there in a minute so just choose whatever movie you wanna see."
"Okay daddy." The girl says.
"Sorry about that baby." Marshall then says after a moment of silence.
"I think I just fell more in love with you right there." I giggle.
"What? Why?" He asks sounding confused.
"That kind daddy voice made my knees turn into jelly." I admit.
"Well baby, I can be your daddy too." He teases me and I swear Marshall sometimes has the most disgusting humor.
"EEEW! You're so disgusting sometimes!" I laugh in disgust.
"Come on baby, I know you like role play." He laughs.
"Not that kind of role play." I say.
"Yeah baby I'll be right there!" Marshall now yells and it's obvious that he's not talking to me but his daughter. "I have to go baby, I'll call you later." Marshall then says to me.
"Okay, I love you."
"I love you." He says and we hang up.

All day I just talk to Rachel and Melissa about Kevin, mostly Rachel because Melissa had to go to work at the club at 9 so she was only here for a few hours. Marshall doesn't call back mostly because he's a little busy which is fine by me because at least he texts me.
I really hope all this is gonna be easier in the future because right now I'm really tired of all the drama and it just makes it a lot harder when Marshall isn't here.

Just the two of us (book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن