Chapter Fifteen

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I've hit a rut. I'm at a complete loss as to what my next steps should be. I've attracted his attention, I've played hard to get, I've been mysterious and vague, and I've captured his interest.

The only issue: How to keep him interested? There wasn't a definite answer for any of this. Should I just keep doing what I'm doing? Or would he get bored of me?

Boredom - that's the most important factor that I was worried about. And since Harry had the attention span of a five-year old, it was going to be difficult.

It was Friday night, and I was waiting for Niall to come over. We were going to eat tons of food and watch a lot of movies. Quite the tradition.

I picked up my phone and dialled his number.

"Hey, where are you?" I asked, when he picked up.

"Just got a bunch of crap that's going to make us die early at the grocery store."

"Perfect," I replied, laughing.

"Seriously," he said. "I'm almost at your house, and my arms are being weighed down by crisps and ice cream and candy. You name it, I bought it."

"Wow, we're going all out," I commented.

"When do we not?"

"Good point."

I heard a knock on my door, and I knew it was Niall. I hung up the phone and rushed to answer it, to see if he really bought as much food as he said.

And he did. There were bags worth of the most junkiest food in the world. I grabbed a bag and helped him inside the house.

"Wow, you don't joke around," I said.

He lifted an eyebrow. "You think I would be one to joke about food?"

I just laughed as we emptied all the contents into bowls. I opened a large bag of crisps and dumped them into an empty dish. Niall did the same.

"So, what's on deck today?" he wondered.

"Okay, so tonight - I thought we'd watch Love Actually."

"You're kidding, right?" he asked, unimpressed.

"I'm actually not," I replied.

"Such a chick movie."

"It's a classic!"

"No. You always want to watch it."

"And we never watch it."





This is how it went every single time we tried to decide on a movie. He would shoot down my favourite one, and then we would usually settle for some action movie. Which isn't bad. Because I like my fair share of action movies, but a little romance didn't hurt anyone.

"Do you really think we're watching it tonight?" he asked, folding his arms over his chest.

"No. I don't. But I thought it was worth a shot," I said. "So please, defy the odds - watch the freakin' movie!"

Before he could respond, his phone started to ring. He answered it, sighing.

"Hello? Hey man...I'm with Blake right now...Okay...Yeah, sure! Bye mate," he said, before hanging up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Grab your coat. We're going to a party," he announced, before sliding his phone into his pocket.


"That was Louis. He said something's happening a few streets away from here. Why don't we go and check it out? If it's awful, then we can go and watch a movie. Not Love Actually."

"Fine," I said, following him out the door.

We walked down the streets, after getting our coats. I didn't know where it was, so I let Niall lead the way. We made our way down the familiar paths, in comfortable silence.

"So, how's Harry?" he wondered.

"He's fine," I said, although I didn't really know. I hadn't spoken to him all day, and he hadn't texted me. He usually did. Strange.

"And you sure you're in control of the situation?" he inquired.

I nodded confidently, even though I was quite insecure inside. I knew I wasn't completely in control - I just wished I was.

"Well, as long as you're happy," he said.

"Look, Harry is actually a pretty sweet guy. I don't think he'd hurt me. If I'm not happy, I"ll just end it."

"So you're planning on dating him for a while?"

"Who knows," I said, shrugging.

"It's just that...he doesn't commit. There's always a new girl for him."

"Maybe he's changing."

He didn't respond. He just nodded. We moved forward in silence, both immersed in thought.

"Hey, Blake, I want to tell you something," he started.

"Is this the house?" I asked, pointing at a lawn filled with people.

"Oh yeah," he nodded, and we turned into the lot.

We walked up to the door and I turned the handle to the house.

"Sorry, Nialler, what were you saying?" I asked.

"Oh, erm, see, there's -"

He cut off instantly and stopped abruptly.

"What?" I asked, confused. He pushed my shoulder so I was facing my right. And I felt my hope crash. I heard a slight flush in the back of my head, as my heart jerked in surprise.

Right in my line of vision was Harry kissing another girl.

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