Chapter Sixteen

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I was speechless. In all honesty - I had nothing to say at that moment. This little piece inside of me felt like it just crumbled off.

I was hurt - I'm not going to lie. But not hurt because I was so emotionally attached to him, but I was hurt because I felt tricked. I felt fooled. I honestly thought I had all the power, I thought he was being genuine when he was with me.

And yet...

There he was - kissing another girl. Probably saying the same things he said to me.

"Do you want me to go punch him?" Niall asked, his fingers curling into fists.

Yes. I honestly did.

But would that be the smartest way to approach things?

"Erm," I said, contemplating. "Maybe..."

"I thought you said he was different," Niall said, his voice tightening. He was furious.

And he had every reason to be - his best friend's 'boyfriend-ish-thing' was over there snogging another girl. If someone hurt Niall like that, I would be super angry.

But this isn't how the game was to be played. If I freaked out at Harry, if he got punched in the face...he would think I cared way too much than I had been letting on. He would think I was a crazy person - and then I'd definitely blow my chances.

"Let me just...handle it first, okay?" I asked.

"Well, what are you going to do? Dump him I hope. Break it off, yeah?"

"Erm..." I said, hesitantly.

"Oh my God, Blake. You're not honestly thinking of giving this douche bag another chance, are you?"

"Niall, I thought he was your friend."

"Yeah, but Blake, you come first."

I smiled at that. He was sweet for saying so, and I knew I should be grateful for him being all protective, but that's not what I needed right now. Right now, my mind was racing at a million miles a minute because I had absolutely no idea as to how I was going to set the trap again.

It didn't work the last time, when I was so sure it would.

Harry had broken apart from the girl, and she was smiling up at him. It was Beth from our year. Go figure. She was hot and fit and popular. Just Harry's type.

"Well, it looks like she's going to get something to drink right now. Time to talk to him, Blake," Niall egged me on.

It was true - Beth was leaving. Harry was just standing there by himself - and I didn't know how long he'd be like that for.

But usually I had time to think about what I wanted to say to Harry. However, I was drawing a blank.

"Go," Niall said, pushing me in his direction.

I felt my feet move for me, as I walked to Harry, taking in a deep breath. Be calm, Blake.

Harry made eye contact with me, and I expected guilt. But none of that came. His eyes just lit up when he saw me.

"Babe!" he said, leaning over to give me a sweet kiss.

What the hell?

"Hey Styles," I said, trying to steady my voice. I prayed that he was drunk or something, but he honestly didn't seem it. "Had much to drink yet?"

"Nope," he said, shaking his head. "I'm pretty sober."

Damn. Well, there goes his excuse.

"Why? Are you drunk?" he wondered, smirking, pulling me closer.

"No, I'm like you," I told him.

"Hmm," he said, leaning down to kiss me again.

"So," I said, pulling away. His lips however made its way down to my neck. He started planting sweet kisses everywhere, and I was trying very hard to focus. "Hey..."

"Shhh," he whispered.

This was wrong - he had just snogged a girl and now he was already moving on. We were back in his game again.

That made me shift back to reality. The assignment.

"Styles," I said, trying to pull away from him.

"Why aren't you enjoying this?" he asked, his eyes widening. His ego was wounded. Ha. Ha.

"Who was the blonde?" I asked, referring to Beth.


"The girl you were just snogging." I tried to play it off all cool.

"Oh, it's Beth. You know her, right?'


He didn't sound guilty. He just sounded indifferent to her. I glanced down at my feet, unsure of what to say next, but I think he picked up on my discomfort.

"Wait..." he said, sounding skeptical. "You're're not angry, are you?"

"Should I be?" I asked, trying to sound completely disinterested.

"No, you shouldn't," he responded.

"Okay, well, I'm not."

"Blake," he said, after a moment. "You do know that we're not exclusive, right?"

No I actually didn't. Well, I'm an idiot for thinking it would be this easy to get him to commit. I was fooled by his words. Like every other girl, I lost at the game.

But, I wasn't giving up that easily. I couldn't. Important things were on the line here.

"Of course I know that," I told him. "I've already been with another guy since we started going out, so..."

"Okay good," he said. "I just didn't want you to get some wrong impression that I commit. I'm not a boyfriend kind of guy."

"Freedom is always nice," I murmur.

"Yeah," he said, nodding. "So, are we cool? No strings attached? See other people and all that?"

"Yeah, we're cool." Even though I felt so far from cool right now.

At that moment, Niall came over and grabbed my hand. He attempted to drag me away, but I saw something fire up in Harry's eyes.


Harry grabbed my other hand and pulled me back.

"Hey, dude, she's with me," Harry said, firmly.

"No, she's coming with me," Niall fired back. "Come on, Blake."

I could tell Niall really wanted to punch him. And Harry looked so jealous right now. It suddenly clicked.

Harry always bumped into us when Niall and I were together. He would always be a little more protective. All for a reason.

And that was Niall. He really specifically disliked me when I was with Niall. I got up his skin.

And that's when I had a crazy idea.

"Niall," I said, letting go of Harry's hand.

Niall turned around and raised his eyebrows.


And then I grabbed either side of his face and crashed my lips against his.

Break the UnbreakableOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora