Chapter Forty Six

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"You..." I said, trailing off.

"I love you," he told me. "I do."

He said it with such confidence, such certainty. If someone were to be watching this, you could see that there was no doubt in his mind about what he's just said. He loves me.

And this is Harry Styles we're talking about. For him to admit something like that to a girl - to commit - to dive head first into this ambiguous abyss of love...well that was the biggest step of all.

I took in a deep breath because he was staring at me, expectantly. An answer, of course!

And I had to think about it. Did I love him? With Liam, when he said it to me the first time, there was no doubt in my mind.

Liam made me feel safe, made me feel wanted, made me feel comfortable. He was the best boyfriend I had ever had. He treated me right and he truly thought about me in the best way possible.

He and I just made sense. We logically fit.

But, Harry...I would have never guessed in a million years that he would be the person I would be dating. He was the last person I thought I would ever hear say 'I love you,' let alone to me!

"Um," I cleared my throat.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Harry," I started. "You're the first boyfriend that I've had that, at first, did not make sense in my head. I'm...a play-it-safe kind of person. And're a dangerous person. You were a heartbreaker, a risk-taker, impossible to figure out..."

"Mhmm," he nodded.

"And," I continued, "It's safe to say we've been on an emotional roller coaster. But, you make me so incredibly happy. And I want to spend all my time with you. And I never thought I would be the girl you'd confess your love too..."

"Blake, I know it's scary. It's a scary concept...but I'm not going to run away. I'm not going anywhere."

I licked my lips, nervously. The assignment, everything I did to him...

I had to wipe that from my mind, and just think about now. I had to think in the present, and what I was really feeling. Love...did I feel love for him?

"And I know the reputation you had, and I know what you did with girls in the past, and I should be worried if you might leave me for someone else, someone better. But, I'm...I'm actually not worried. I don't want to sound conceited. I just - with you, you actually make me feel like I'm the only girl you think of -"

"Because you are, Blake!" he interrupted.

"I really don't think I'm worthy of...all this," I explained, vaguely referring to what I did to him even though he doesn't know...yet.

"Are you kidding?" he asked. "I'm not worthy of you! Seriously, without you, I'd still be making bets and playing games. Blake, you helped me more than anybody. And you don't think you're worthy of me? Blake, come on. I was a jerk. I don't deserve this."

"Harry, of course you deserve to be happy," I whispered. "Everyone does."

He smiled slightly, stroking my cheek with his thumb tenderly.

"So?" he asked, softly.

I took a deep breath. He made me happy. No matter what, forgetting the past and my intentions before, right now - I feel nothing but utter bliss when I'm with him.

I have truly come to care about him. I notice all the little things about him that make him who he is. Those little quirks and insecurities that I can't get enough of. Everything he sees as a flaw...I see as a beautiful imperfection. It's what makes him Harry.

And for me to be able to see the good in him but also call out his attitude or behaviour problems makes me completely comfortable with him.

So what if being with him isn't completely as safe as it was with Liam? He had an air of danger that intrigued me. It made this whole experience exciting and passionate and breathtaking.

It was a real romance. The first romance that would probably annihilate me if something were to take a turn for the worst.

"So..." I replied.

"Don't feel pressure to say it right now, Blake -"

"Harry," I stopped him. "Harry, I love you."

"Do you really?" he asked, blinking in disbelief.

"Why are you so surprised?"

"Because...I've never felt this way before," he explained. "I've never experienced love - never had someone that I loved who loved me."

"It's indescribable, isn't it?"

"You're just perfect," he said, softly.

I leaned in to avoid replying to that. Our lips brushed, which sent shivers down my spine.

He pressed his mouth to mine, and I sighed with content. He was gentle, surprisingly tender and intimate when he kissed. Not aggressive or anything. It was just intense.

My arms went up around his neck, as we shared this moment together enveloped in new love.

This was Harry's bone-chilling, unexplainable, show stopping kiss. This was the coveted one everyone talked about.

Once we pulled away, I saw a grin on his face, and I had one to match.

"Alright love birds," we heard from behind.

Looking to see who it was, Louis and Zayn stood with goofy grins on their faces.

"Wow, wow, wow," Zayn shook his head. "I'm shocked, Harry. You found one girl..."

"Yeah, seriously. Who saw that coming?" Louis said, scratching his head.

"She made me want to commit," he answered, simply.

"Holy shit, those words just came out of your mouth," Zayn said. "Harry, man, you're gone to the dark side!"

I shoved him playfully. "Zayn!" I said, laughing.

"You've left us single pringles!" Louis pretended to sob.

"Single...pringles?" Harry asked, snorting.

"Hey, you've both had girlfriends!" I remembered. "You're all on the dark side!"

We all burst out laughing. Nothing could ruin my good mood right now.

"Aw, well aren't you guys cute," someone drawled from behind us.


Well, I guess she could ruin my mood.

I narrowed my eyes, shaking my head.

"Thanks," I practically spat.

She flipped her hair over her shoulder and stalked off.

"Ignore her," Louis advised. I nodded, and Harry tightened his grip around my waist.

"Oh, didn't you have something to tell me?" Harry wondered, suddenly remembering our conversation before his English test.

Oh God. I couldn't do it now.

"Oh, uh, no it was just a conversation I had with Janet. She was just being mean to me about dating you..."

"Want me to talk to her?" he wondered. "I was going to apologize anyhow -"

"No," I cut him off, shaking my head. "No, no don't talk to her at all. It's okay. I'll just ignore her."

He just shrugged and nodded. Giving me a kiss on the cheek, I closed my eyes and sighed. I chickened out again...

This assignment was going to be my undoing.

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