Chapter Twenty

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I was in my Monday meeting with Janet. I didn't want to be here, and I know she didn't either. But, she did anyways. I knew I had to be here - or else I wouldn't be able to get her reference letter so I could get an amazing internship at my dream newspaper.

But, she didn't have to be here. But something was driving her into going through with this assignment.

"Okay, so progress?" she asked, shortly, cutting to the chase.

"Oh, erm," I said, thinking back to what happened. "Well, I thought when he said we were dating, I thought that meant we were exclusive..."

"Stupid mistake," she said, shaking her head. "Everyone knows 'dating' Harry isn't like being in a relationship with him."

"Janet, let me finish."

She just stared at me.

"So," I continued, "I went to this party and he was there kissing some other girl."

"Not a surprise there."

"And then Harry said we weren't exclusive. But then, I realized that he always gets so jealous when I'm with Niall, so I kissed him."

Janet froze for a moment, and I think I actually caught her completely off guard. She blinked, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, what?" she asked, leaning forward. "You kissed your best friend?"

"Yeah." I wanted to stop talking about it.

"To make Harry jealous."

"Yeah, and now I'm dating Niall. And Harry can stand it."

Janet smiled - genuinely.

"Wow, you're actually taking this seriously. You're taking risks," she said, nodding approvingly. "Like a good journalist."

I couldn't believe it. She was actually complimenting me. She's probably the only person in this whole world that would compliment me on using my best friend to further my career.

This should be a warning sign that I am doing the wrong thing.

But I ignore my conscience. Janet's giving me confidence - and I know she's a bitch and I really shouldn't be listening to her - it makes me feel a bit better that at least someone is supporting my decision.

"So," I said. "I'm going to keep dating Niall, keep Harry interested, drive him crazy until he can't take it."

"Excellent," she said, still grinning.

"Oh," I stopped. "But, I just remembered..."

Should I tell her about the Senior Home? Did Harry ever take her? I doubted it...

"What?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Well, he took me to this Senior Home," I said, honestly, knowing that I'd probably regret it later.

She didn't look surprised. She didn't look like anything. Just stared blankly.

"And Harry was so different," I told her, remembering how amazingly sincere he was. "It was like peeling back all the layers and just seeing the real him."

"What a load of bullshit," Janet said, shaking her head.

"No, seriously -"

"Okay, I take back my comment on you being a good journalist," she cut me off. "He's playing you like an instrument. Harry took you to that Senior Home to make you believe he's that misunderstood nice guy. He wants to impress you, he wants you to melt in his hands."

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