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The day had finally come. The day I had been waiting for, maybe my whole life, even though I didn't know it three years ago. It's funny how I had always wanted to be a journalist. How I was willing to sacrifice my whole happiness, my morals, everything, for a shot at the big times.

And yet...my dream, my real dream, was something completely different to that. It was being a published author. Novels, books, stories - that's what I've come to love. Because I'm able to wholeheartedly invest my feelings and emotions, allow people to experience heartbreak and happiness and life with me...

Journalism was too cold for me. Too cutting edge. Too much. Not what I needed, not what I wanted.

Storytelling...now that is up my alley.

And today was my very first large book signing with a crowd of 500. 500 people coming to ask me about my book that I wrote about those fateful days back when I let people like Janet control me.

"Blake, we're all set for you to take a seat at the front now," Nancy, my once publisher and now literary agent, said. "Niall is seated on the side, and people are all seated now. We'll take questions first and then the book signing after."

"Perfect," I replied, nodding.

I entered the room from the back entrance, and upon entering the room, the audience exploded into thunderous claps that made me blush. I smiled, humbly, as I took my seat at the front, with a bottle of water and the book placed on my desk.

"So," Nancy announced at the front of the room to the mass of people, "Blake will be answering your questions for about an hour and then you may all get your books signed by her."

I had never seen so many faces before in a room all for me...it was quite spectacular. I looked to my right and I saw Niall grinning from ear to ear, proudness beaming.

"First question from the girl in the front with the red t-shirt," Nancy directed, and microphone was thrusted into a teenaged girl's hand.

"Hi Blake, my name is Shannon," she said, her voice booming in the speakers.

"Hi Shannon," I greeted in my own personal microphone.

"I'm a huge fan of your novel. I just wanted to say that it was heartbreaking and beautiful. And I know it was based off a real story. I just wanted to know why you never wanted revenge on Lisa for putting your name on that article."

Lisa was my code name for Janet.

"Erm," I said, breathing heavily into the microphone. It almost slipped my mind that I had to actually answer truthfully and honestly about a very personal matter.

I looked at her, and her eyes were widened with curiosity. People deserved to know this.

"Look," I said, "I've learned that people are not just born mean. There are experiences that make them who they are, and I know how badly Lisa was hurt. How badly she had been broken. I felt like she had been through enough hell, and I didn't need to add to it. I realized that, if anything, she needed help to move on. If no one helped her, she wouldn't ever be able to get better."

Nancy took the microphone and passed it on to a woman in a blue v-neck t-shirt.

"Hi Blake, my name is Joanna," she said, grinning.

"Hi Joanna," I greeted.

"My question is about what happened with Tom? The last chapter is you getting together with Nicholas. But what happened to Tom? Did you ever see him or speak to him again?"

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