Chapter Fifty One

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I sat down with Niall at lunch, just him and I at a table. What's new? It's been like this for several days now, and I really wanted to know when it was going to blow over or get better or when people would stop staring at me like I had grown five heads and a set of fangs.

I sighed to myself. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately, for no reason. I just feel so isolated and alienated.

Picking at my food, I watch Niall gulp down his sandwich in two bites.

"How are you eating?" I asked.

"How are you not?" he questioned in return, his mouth full.

"I guess I don't have that much of an appetite lately..."

He nodded, understandingly. I tried really hard to force a couple mouthfuls of pasta down my throat, but it was difficult when I didn't feel like eating. I didn't feel like doing much lately...

I watched the door to the canteen open, and in walked Louis, along with Chloe, Zayn, Liam, and Harry.

I sighed, as I saw them.

"I heard Harry has been skipping every single class," Niall murmured.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," he nodded. "He's been showing up for school and morning attendance, but then for classes, he'll just leave halfway through and not go back."

"Weird," I muttered.

I caught him looking over at me, and I didn't know what to do so I pretended not to notice his stare.

I wanted to desperately apologize and make him not love me anymore because I wanted to stop him from hurting. I really and truly did.

"I'm going to get more crisps, want anything?" Niall asked, getting up from his seat.

I shook my head, and watched him walk away.

Minutes after, a group of boys - the same ones who harassed me the first time - saw that I was sitting alone. They did not miss this opportunity.

"Hey look, it's Blake Davis! Still alone," one of them said to his friend, looking at me. "I feel bad for her. Such a sad, pathetic case..."

I clenched my fists, trying not to notice them and minding my own business.

"Yeah, it's a shame really that she had to do an assignment to get attention," his friend replied.

"I wonder why Harry would fall for such an annoying, little bit-"

I had had it up to HERE with insults. They don't know the whole story. They don't know anything about me or my life or the situation. They don't know that I didn't write the article, that I didn't mean for this to happen, that I'm utterly and deeply still in love with Harry.

I stood up, banging my hands on the table, making a loud noise. Everyone was now staring, if they hadn't been already.

"You lot need to get a life," I growled, angrily. "Do you have nothing better to do than comment on a situation that you know nothing about?"

"Oh please," one of the boys rolled his eyes.

"I don't have to explain myself to you," I shouted. "You're not worth my time -"

"That's an excuse," he shot back. "An excuse because you don't have a proper reason as to why you broke someone's heart, eh?"

"Fuck off," I said.

My eyes flit towards Harry, who was watching me just like the rest of them.

One of the boys turned towards the whole cafeteria and announced, "Blake Davis deserves this, doesn't she?"

Some people hung their heads, others were chanting 'Yeah,' but Harry simply said nothing. He just got up and walked out of the canteen.

"See? Harry can't even be here with you," he replied, turning back to face me.

I wanted to break down and cry. I ran past them, and I could hear them calling after me in taunting voices, but I didn't turn around. I didn't want to give anyone the satisfaction of watching me cry over pathetic losers.

I ran past Niall, who looked over at me in a confused manner.

"Blake?" he shouted after me. I didn't stop, I just kept running and running. I opened the doors and ran into the courtyard.

I looked back to see that Niall was trailing my every move, but I didn't need anybody. I didn't. I was going to be alone.

I slammed into someone and we both fell to the ground. It was Harry.

I stood up and brushed myself off.

He grabbed a hold of my wrist. "Blake, what they said in there - that was out of line," he told me.

"Was it?" I shouted. Now I was just pissed at him. "Was it out of line?"


"Well, then why didn't you fucking say something? Why do I have the whole school hating me when it's something between you and I? And why do you do absolutely shit about it if you think they were crossing a line?"

At this point, Niall had caught up, but I didn't look over at him. My glare was piercing right through Harry's green eyes.

"Because what am I supposed to say?" Harry shouted in return.

"I don't know! Anything! Don't just stand there and watch the bullying happen. As much as you don't want to believe me, I am truly sorry and I wish I could take everything back. And I know I don't deserve you or sympathy from my best friends, but I sure as hell don't deserve to be hated."

He didn't respond, and Niall just quietly took my hand and squeezed it for support.

"And I suppose since Niall hasn't left you, since he's given you the benefit of the doubt, you're going to run to him and date him. Is that it?" Harry spat.

"What?" I asked. "That's completely besides the point!"

"No, it's not! You're going to run to him because he was loyal like the puppy dog he is -"

Harry took it a step to far, and Niall quickly shoved him backwards. Harry retaliated by shoving him as well, and I stepped in between them.

"Stop it, you two! Just stop it!" I yelled.

"Go ahead, go on!" Harry shouted at me. "Go and side with Niall. Tell him he's got that special place in your heart. Because you don't love me. It was all a game -"

"She loves you, you fucking git," Niall answered for me. "For God's sakes, you can't even see when she's telling you the truth. You can't see that she isn't playing a game anymore."

Harry was silent. And I looked over at Niall because he had the saddest eyes I'd ever seen. I did love Harry, but there was something about Niall that made me think I could love him like that too.

"Harry, Niall was there for me when no one else was," I said, my voice barely audible. "And if it weren't for him, I would be going completely mad, past my breaking point."

I looked over at my blonde best friend and took his hand.

"And I hurt him and used him, like I did to you," I continued. "But he can still see when I'm telling the truth. He can see it."

I started to walk away, but I added in one last thing:

"But I'm afraid you never will."

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