Chapter Thirty Nine

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I walked into school today, with a better feeling. I didn't feel as awful as I usually do. Louis, Zayn, and Liam were leaning against the lockers laughing about something, and I went over to join them.

"Blake, guess what I did over the weekend?" Zayn asked.

"What?" I inquire, curious.

"Check it out." He showed me his arm, where a hand crossing their fingers was tattooed. I gasp with excitement.

"Oh my God, that actually looks awesome!" I lean in closer to inspect.

"Should I get a tattoo?" Louis wondered.

"Could I pull it off?" Liam asked as well.

I laughed, saying, "Maybe."

Chloe strolled in and Louis put his arm around her. I widened my eyes, realizing that I hadn't talked to them both about their lives in a very long time.

"Are - are you two together?" I spluttered.

Louis laughed, as did Chloe.

"Yeah! We made it official last week," she said, grinning.

I was beyond happy for the both of them. I threw my arms around the two, and they both laughed even more.

"Yes! Finally," I said, cheerfully.

Harry walked over, shyly, and he didn't even move to hold my hand. This was all new to him, and I felt like I needed to guide him through being in a 'relationship.' But, that was going to be tough, when my heart was beating at 80 miles per second.

I just wanted to relax, but I couldn't. He was there, and I was standing right beside him. He was so close, and I could almost see the nervousness in his eyes.

I turned to look at him, and he widened his eyes even more. I smiled, reassuringly, and took a deep breath.

"Hi Harry," Louis greeted him. Zayn patted him on the back, and even Liam said hello.

Now was the time to tell them. The honesty needed to come about now.

"Erm, so," I started, nervously. "Harry and I need to, erm, need to tell you all something."

They raised their eyebrows with interest, and Harry licked his lips nervously.

"Yeah?" Louis wondered.

"Well, we, erm, we have decided," I said, turning to face him. "We've decided to be together."

He moved to hold my hand, and the four of them stared at us in shock.

"Blake has honestly helped me realize that I don't want to be that guy that everyone thinks is a player forever. I want to experience what it feels like to be in a committed relationship," Harry explained.

"Whoa, did Styles just say the word 'committed?'" Zayn asked, in disbelief.

Harry gave a small laugh.

"Yeah," he said, smiling. "I'm ready to be in a loyal, honest, and committed relationship."

I was so proud of him, telling his friends what he wanted.

"In fact, I'd have no problem telling all of the girls that I have a girlfriend now," Harry announced.

"Oh, no wait, Harry -" I started, but it was too late.

Harry already was turning to face the school, or anyone who was walking by at the moment. He cupped his hands around his mouth and started speaking loudly.

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