Chapter Thirteen

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I was sitting beside Niall, on the field, just outside our school building. I was pulling strands of grass from the ground, unsure of what to feel. There was definitely something swarming around in my stomach. Butterflies?

Do I still play it cool even though Harry and I established that we like each other? Should I wait for him to come to me?

The answer, I thought, was yes. I was going to have to play hard to get, still. I was going to make him wonder if I was thinking about him. I was going to make him work hard.


Niall snapped me out of my daydream.

"Yeah?" I asked, shaking my head. "Sorry, Nialler. Were you saying something?"

"No, nothing important. Just that I decided to be in a relationship with Louis, but Zayn punched me out and..." he said, trailing off.

"What?" I asked. I didn't listen to his last sentence. "Zayn punched you out?"

He laughed and shook his head. "My last sentence was rubbish, I just wanted to prove that you're not listening to me."

I felt bad. I had been neglecting my best friend all morning because I was too busy looking out for Harry.

"I'm sorry. I've just...I've got a lot on my mind," I apologized.

"Yeah, I can tell," he replied, grinning. "Does it have anything to do as to why you were so unreachable last night?"

My heart leapt.

"What do you mean?" I asked, worried that he knew. I was worried that Niall found out from someone else that wasn't me. I should've been the one to tell him.

"Oh, I dunno," he said, shrugging. "Just that you wouldn't pick up your phone when I had a bunch of Maths questions. Unless you were just ignoring me for no reason..."

"Oh, no, Nialler, I wasn't ignoring you," I reassured him, patting his shoulder.

"So, what were you doing?"

I guess I should tell him now - it's a good a time as any. And, it's better sooner rather than later.

"Well, now that you mention it -" I started, but I was cut off by someone from behind me.

I turned around, to hear Harry calling my name.

"Blake!" he called, walking over towards me.

My insides warmed. Yes! He looked for me - he wanted to see me. Goal accomplished. I grinned, but made no attempt to move. If he wanted to say hi, he'd have to come to me.

Wow, I was getting awfully good at thinking up ways to make it harder for him. He sat down beside me, and he put his arm around my shoulders. Niall grinned. He probably thought Harry was trying to get a rise out of me.

"Hi Styles," I said, turning my head to face him. His own face was very near mine, and I watched as his lips turned up into a smile.

"Hey babe," he said, and he leaned forward, closing the space between us two.

His lips were on mine for a brief second, as he gave me a quick kiss. I blushed - Niall was watching this all.

I looked over at my best friend, and his mouth was wide open in shock. I felt guilty that he was finding out this way.

"Wait a second..." Niall said, processing this. "Are you two...?"

"Seeing each other? Yup," Harry said, nodding.

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