Chapter Thirty Five

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I was waiting for Harry to walk into the music room, because we were supposed to be practicing. I wasn't even sure what we were going to sing, if he had anything prepared, or if I was going to have to sing a song by myself.

He walked in, laughing with a girl from one of his classes. He kissed her on the cheek goodbye, and I rolled my eyes. I couldn't believe him. Still being the same Harry that I knew.

"Ready to practice?" he wondered, his voice monotonous.

I nodded my head. He was still mad at me.

"Why were you in such a bad mood today?"

I really did not want to answer this. Especially since he probably didn't care, and because it was about the assignment that he was never finding out about.

"Because I just was," I responded, vaguely.

"Did it have to do with Niall?"


"Maybe, meaning yes?"


He just stared.

"What?" I asked, self-conscious.

"Well, since I'm kind of involved in why you're fighting, I think I deserve to know what happened."

"Oh do you?" I started laughing, humourlessly. This boy was such a handful, thinking he had a right to know something that was none of his business.

"Yeah, I do."

"Well, news flash, Harry, this is a personal issue with him and I. You don't need to know anything."

"Bullshit. I deserve to know."

"Just, stop it. Okay? You're not making anything any better. So please, just stop."

He shook his head.

"Fine, what song do you want to sing?"

"Well, how many songs do we sing?"

"Three - you and I can have a duet, I'll have a solo, and you'll have a solo song."

"Okay, well I'll work on my solo song alone first," I told him. "Let's figure out the duet."

"Do you have one in mind?"

For some reason, one song popped into my head. I nodded my head, and he was surprised I actually had an idea.

"How about 'Good To You' by Marianas Trench?" I wondered.

He raised his eyebrows, pleased by the choice.

"Yeah, I actually really like that."

"Wow, look at us, agreeing."

He almost laughed. Almost.

"Look, Blake," he said, seriously after a moment. "I'm not mad at you."

I was relieved to hear that, actually. It made me feel slightly better amidst this crappy, crappy day.

"Thanks Harry," I said, smiling genuinely. "I'm really, really sorry I got you thrown into the whole mess that is me."

"No, don't apologize for that. I was the one who kissed you."

"Yeah, but I let you."

I shook my head.

"I shouldn't have told Niall I wanted to be with him exclusively when I knew I still liked you," I said, honestly.

This time, he didn't make fun. He just nodded.

"I liked you too," he told me. "I guess I'm just not a relationship guy."

"Will you ever be?"

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"Have you never thought about settling down?"



He hesitated. "Well...maybe."

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, once."

"Once? When?"

"Just recently." He was staring at me, and I had this sudden feeling that he was talking about me.

And the guilt struck, because it was only because I played all my cards right and needed him for the assignment.

I didn't know what to say. I was so torn with different emotions. Apart of me was jumping for joy because I really do, honestly like Harry. And another part of me wanted to say "stop! Stop! I'm no good for you!"

"Really?" I wondered, softly.

"Look, I was really hurt when you got together with Niall. And I was jealous. I wanted to be him, and I was surprised."

"So, why didn't you just say something?" I wondered, curiously.

"Because," he said, shaking his head. "Because that's not me. I'm not a boyfriend kind of guy and you're definitely a girlfriend kind of girl. We just wouldn't mix."

"Harry, you'll never know -"

"Unless I change? No, it's not going to happen. I have always dated a lot of girls, and that's how I'll always be."

I shook my head. "No, you don't have to, Harry. You know that."

"Yeah, but I want to."

"You want to be single forever, just always dating around? Do you not want to find...a girl? One girl?"

He shook his head.

"Nope, I'm never going to find her...if she's out there."

I didn't believe that. Not for one second.

"Are you serious? Do you really believe that?" I asked, quietly.

He didn't respond for a moment. He just stirred in silence, as I waited for a hopeful response.

But alas, nothing.

"Yeah, I do."

And just like that, his wall was up again.

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