Chapter Ten

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It was Tuesday, and I was seriously dreading after school again. I was going to ask out someone after school. And not just anyone. I was about to ask out Harry.

The Harry Styles.

And I had to play it right. I had to make the conversation go the way I wanted it to. I needed to be the one to hold power. And I just...was not good at that. I'm not good at dominating anything, especially with Harry.

This was his game we were in, and I was determined to not only beat him (the master) but I was determined to rename the game and make it my own.

"Hello love," Louis said from behind me. I jumped up in surprise, half relieved that it was Lou.

"Hey," I said, turning around. "What are you doing here?"

"Erm...I just had footie practice and you're standing in front of the boys' changing rooms. Shouldn't I be asking you what you're doing here?"

"Oh," I managed to say.

"You looking for Niall?" he wondered.

"No," I told him, shaking my head. He waited for me to continue or to offer some sort of better explanation, but I didn't. We just stood there in silence.

"Okay...well, who are you waiting for? I assume you're waiting for someone, right? I mean, the girls' changing rooms are at the end of the corridor," he joked, nudging me slightly on my side.

"Is Harry in there?" I blurted out.

A sly grin spread across Louis's face, as he leaned against the wall next to us.

"He's practicing his kicking on the field. He's by himself though, if you wanted to get a little PG-13 rated..."

"Oh shut up," I said, rolling my eyes and smacking him.

"Wow...he did it," he replied, grinning even wider.

"Did what?" I asked in perplexity.

"Got you, hooked you," he explained. My mouth dropped.

"Got me? No, he does not have me. In fact, if anything - I hooked him," I told him, triumphantly. Louis raised his eyebrows.

"Uh huh, sure."


"The day Harry gets 'hooked' by someone is the day this world comes to an end," he replied, laughing.

"Well, then be prepared for the sky to fall," I said. Louis had nothing to say to that, and I didn't have anything to add.

He clearly didn't believe me, and I thought I was being way too cocky for my taste - but it was best to think positively. Best to think I have him under my spell because maybe it'll actually happen if I keep saying it enough.

I made my way outside, to the field, where practice was held. I saw Harry alone, kicking ball after ball into the net.

He looked up at the same time I was watching him, and a smile spread across his face. It almost looked genuine.

"Hi Blake!" he shouted, waving his right hand.

I fought the urge to grin back, and I simply just waved in reply. His eyebrows furrowed together and I knew what he was thinking. Why can't he figure me out? Why can't he tell what I'm thinking like he can with other girls?

"Hi Styles," I said, crossing my arms, as I got near him.

"How are you?" he wondered, kicking another ball into the net.

"Good," I replied. He waited expectantly to ask me how he was, but I didn't give him the satisfaction.

"So, you came here to watch me practice?" he wondered. "Like it when I get all sweaty?"

He swished his hair to the side, and I tried with all that was left in me to not blush. Because, truth be told, he did look quite adorable. His front curls were plastered to his forehead, and his cheeks were rosy. There was a thin layer of sweat on his upper lip that he wiped away with his arm.

"I like my hygiene," I told him, trying to keep my voice even.

He laughed, kicking another ball.

"So, did you need something from me?" he wondered, looking at the net.

"Erm, yes, actually I did."

He still was tracking where his ball went, so I decided to take charge. I had to dominate here.

I put my hands on his shoulders and turned him to face me. His eyes widened with surprise, as he looked at me.

"Whoa," he said, smiling.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" I asked, more as if it was an order...not a question.

"I've only been trying for the past few days!" he said, laughing. I resisted the urge to giggle and kept a straight face.

"Good," I said, smirking slightly. "But, this time, we'll do it my way. Pick me up at seven tomorrow. If you're two minutes late, I won't be home."

"Erm -"

"See you later," I said, before walking away. I didn't even look back to see if he was watching, but I could feel that he was.

I let out a deep breath. Having to think about every single move I made was exhausting.

As I was walking back towards the school, I noticed Liam coming towards me. He had his jersey in one hand, and a football bag in the other.

I sighed. I had to work this out.

"Liam," I said, stopping him. He stayed quiet. "Liam, I'm sorry that you're mad at me. But, nothing was happening with me and Harry. I promise you - what you saw was him being an utter douche bag."

He cracked a smile.

"I'm sorry, Blake. I shouldn't have believed him. I mean, I know you - really well," he said, apologetically. "I know you wouldn't lie."

"Thanks," I said, grinning. "I promise - I'm not full of shit."

He laughed. "I'm sorry about that comment."

And if he didn't have bad timing already, Harry had to come through now. He was carrying the bag full of footballs, and grinning.

"Hey Liam," he said patting him on the shoulder. "Hey Blake, can't wait for tomorrow."

He kept walking, and I felt my stomach drop. That's it. There goes Liam's trust in me. But Liam looked towards me and he was...smiling.

"Man, he just keeps lying, huh?" Liam asked. "Still think he's got a date with you."

"Yeah, he can't take a hint," I said, grinning. I knew I was lying but it seemed the best thing to do under these circumstances.

"Well, you're a great catch Blake," he told me. He patted me on the shoulder. "As I said before, you deserve someone whose as genuinely nice and honest as you are."

He walked away, and I felt the guilt festering in my stomach.

"No, I really don't," I muttered to myself, before walking back to school.

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