Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Okay, so you better have a good explanation as to why you're dating only Niall."

Janet was pacing back and forth in the classroom, and she did not look happy. In fact, she looked worried, more than I thought she would. She was less angry. Just upset.

"I do," I said.

"Good. Let's hear it."

"Harry was being an arse."

"That's it?"

"Well, he was!"

"Oh my God, Blake," she said, sternly. "You're a goddamn journalist. You're not supposed to let your emotions get the better of you. Bite your tongue next time. And get back together with him now!"

"Janet, please," I said, calmly. There was no point in getting worked up. "This situation you've put me in...It's a lot to handle okay? And it seems...unethical. I don't know. Maybe someone else will teach Harry a lesson, but maybe that person isn't me."

"Blake," she said, urgently. "It is you. You have to do it."

"Look, I don't even know if I'm getting an interview at the New York Times newspaper. I submitted my application, and they still haven't called me to talk to me. So..."

"You're going to get the interview. I called to confirm. They're going to notify you tonight."

I couldn't believe that.

"What?" I asked, my heart lifting.

"The New York Times is going to call you tonight, Blake. So, I swear to God, Blake, if you blow this assignment, you won't be getting that interview."

"How do I know you're not bluffing?"

"You'll see tonight, won't you?"

"Janet! Harry's impossible. Seriously, I can't take it! All he does is play games and I'm so tired of keeping up. I just...I like Niall a lot."

"Can you really say that you don't like Harry in the least bit?"

I hesitated.

"Yeah," she replied. "Thought so."

"Janet, it's not fair. To me or him. Even if I do change him, do we really want to break him after he's changed?"

"Yes!" she barked quickly.

I was taken aback.

"Are you ever going to tell me what's happened between you and him?" I asked, curiously.


"Janet -"

"No! Now stop it. And choose. You continue this article, you'll get that interview. You don't - you can kiss all your hard work goodbye."

I shook my head in disbelief at this whole situation. How did I manage to get myself tangled in this web of lies?

I took in a deep breath before agreeing.


She smiled with relief, and a hint of smugness.

"Good. Now, go do something about your situation."

I left the classroom feeling a large knot growing in my stomach.

What was I going to do? I was pretty sure I was going to get sent to hell because of my actions. But, an interview with my most dreamed newspaper that would be amazing.

But was it worth it? A journalist was supposed to go with their gut. But my gut, my heart, and my moral values were all battling one another.

As I walked along the corridor to my locker, I heard someone shout my name.


I turned around to see Niall. I smiled.

"Hey Nialler."

"Are we still on for tonight? I'm gonna try and cook you something!"

That was adorable. I was shocked too, since Niall didn't really like cooking. He only liked to consume the food.

He usually watched me cook.

"Whoa, you're going to cook?"


"You mean order food over the phone?"

"OH you're so funny," he said, playfully nudging me.

"Okay, okay, I'll believe it when I see it then!"

"Yes you will."

He grinned and gave me a kiss.

"See you tonight, love," I shouted after him. He waved goodbye, and I kept walking.

It was a surprise, but my mom was picking me up from school today. I usually walked home, but she was on her way from work and decided to give me a lift.

Her car pulled up on the side of the road, and I jumped into the passenger seat. As she drove off, she started talking about school.

"So how was school, hun?" she wondered.

"Good. Met up with my editor about this article I'm writing," I said, casually.

"Nice, will I ever get to read the things you publish?"

"Yeah, maybe," I grinned. However, this article...I just wanted to bury it away after it was finished.

"Hmm, I better. And how's Niall? I still can't get over the fact that you two are dating!"

I laughed.

"I know me either," I responded. "He's good. We're really good."

"That boy...I always thought he was cute."

I laughed again. "Yeah, he's amazing. He's cooking me dinner tonight."

"Oh that's so sweet!"

"Yeah and -"

"Wait, did you say tonight?" she asked, looking over at me.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Oh, no, you can't tonight."

"What? Why?" I asked. I was upset - I wanted to have a nice night with my boyfriend before I started thinking about everything for the newspaper.

"Because Ann invited our family over for dinner tonight."


"The Styles'."

I almost choked.

"What?" I asked in panic.

"We're having dinner with the Styles'. Oh come on, you're friends with Harry, aren't you?"

I just looked out the window, because I didn't want her to see guilt on my face.

"Oh yeah...we're just the greatest friends."

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