Chapter Twenty Seven

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I was lying on Harry's lap, while we watched a movie at his house. I wasn't focusing on what was happening though, I was thinking about what Janet had said. That Harry was the most fake person she knew.

How is that possible? He honestly seemed so real. Unless, that's what made him able to get away with simply everything. With being such a player, such a bad person.

He looked down at me and smiled, that adorable smile that got my breath caught in my chest.

And I just looked for any single aspect of him that would give him away. But nothing. There was absolutely nothing there that made me doubt his kindness.

"Do you honestly think that kid could outrun those security guards at an airport?" he asked.

I wasn't paying attention.

"Erm," I said, clearing my throat, redirecting my attention to Love Actually. "I dunno."

"It's sweet though," he said. "Having someone run after you in an airport just to tell you they love you."

"Mhmm," I mumbled. It is sweet. And I needed him to tell me he loved me. Now. Or soon. I had a couple weeks still, but time was ticking.

"So, how's - erm - how's Niall?"

I suddenly got nervous. Why did he want to know about him?

"He's - he's fine," I stuttered. "You know, Harry, when I'm with you - I'm with you. We don't have to talk about him."

"I know."

There was an awkward pause.

"So, how are your...girls?" I asked. I needed to know if there were still any. I hadn't seen him with any girls lately, which was surprising, but you never knew.

"Erm," he said, now his turn at being uncomfortable. "They're...fine. I - I've dated only a couple."

"Mhmm," I murmured.

I really wanted to know more. I wanted to know.

But...should I pretend to be fine with it? Drive him crazy? Make him wonder why I wasn't more jealous?


"That's great - so, any of them you'd see again?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

He was thrown off.

"Wait. Blake," he said, shifting his weight under me. "You're're okay with this?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, I don't know," he replied. "I just kind of thought that it would bother you. God knows no other girl has liked it when I dated other girls -"

"Look, Harry, didn't we decide we weren't exclusive? You told me that you weren't like that."

"I'm not."

I had to push farther. Push until I got him to admit he wanted to be exclusive. Be my boyfriend.

"Okay, there we go," I said, coolly. "And plus, you're cool with me seeing Niall, so it's fine. It doesn't bother me."

He didn't speak for a while. Thoughts were running through his mind, and I could tell he was mad. He was annoyed that I didn't give him the reaction he wanted.

"But," he said, after a while. "Doesn't it say something that you're the only girl I see more than a couple times? Like, we see each other regularly."

"Yeah, but that's not a commitment," I responded. "I'll admit, it's nice that we see each other regularly, but we're not together. I don't really get a say in who you see and what you do with them, you know? It's up to you."

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