Chapter Four

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I was sitting at home in front of my computer screen that currently had a blank document pulled up. I watched the cursor blink as I thought of how I could try and brainstorm ideas for this article.

I started to type:

How to break Harry Styles

•    Leave him wanting more

•    Don’t give into anything he wants

•    Gain power

•    Call the shots

•    Be mysterious and vague

That was all I could come up with at that moment. Suddenly my phone started to ring, and I jumped from my chair.

I closed the lid of my laptop, in case anyone decided to sneak a peek at what was on it. I looked over at my phone.

Liam calling

That’s strange…

He hasn’t called me since we broke up. And I don’t blame him. I haven’t had any desire to talk to him either. But…this was just so odd, I had to pick it up.

“Liam?” I asked, tentatively. 

“How did you know it was me?” he asked, caught off guard.

“The wonders of Caller ID,” I explain. I could hear his adorable, breathless laugh on the other line. 

“Right, I forgot about how advanced technology was these days,” he responded. I chuckled at that comment. 

I could hear a car drive by on his end of the phone.

“Are you walking somewhere?” I asked. 

“Erm,” he said, hesitantly. “Yeah…I am actually.”

“Where are you headed?”

“To your place actually…” he told me. I was silent for a moment. My place? Why? 

“Oh…erm…w-why?” I had no better way to phrase that question. Curiosity burned through. 

“I have some of your stuff that I’ve kept since we…erm, yeah. Can you just open the door? I’m here now. Or is it a bad time?”

“Oh, no, no - it’s fine. Be there in a second,” I told him, before hanging up. I quickly jumped in front of my mirror to see that my hair was pulled up into very messy bun.

I quickly took it out and shook my hair around. It was decent. I clipped half of it back before running down the stairs to open the front door.

There Liam stood, with his cardboard box full of my things. 

“Hi,” I said, softly.

“Hey,” he replied. He was looking down at the things. “So, erm…here they are!”

“Come on in for a bit,” I offered. 

He stood there for a second, contemplating. After a moment, he took off his shoes and walked into my television room. He set the box down on the coffee table and we both looked at it. 

“So, what are some things that you didn’t give back?” I wondered, peering at the contents.

“Well, here’s some of the books you lent me,” he said, picking them up. “I read them all, just so you know.”

I smiled. “Thanks Liam.”

“And here are some albums you let me listen to.”

“Did you like them all?” I wondered.

“I did,” he said, nodding. “And then, there are some other small things in the box.”

“Thanks. You didn’t have to give this back, Liam,” I told him, reassuringly. “You can keep the music if you want, and the books too -“

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “I need to give it back to you. Your stuff sitting in my room just keeps reminding me of how it’s over now. And I just need it all to be done.”

“Okay,” I responded. 

“Just so you know, I am glad we dated,” he told me. “I really am. I just didn’t feel like it was working anymore.”

“I agree,” I told him. “I think we could both see it coming. But, Liam, I don’t want it to be awkward anymore.”

“I don’t either,” he told me. 

I nodded. 

“So, are you back in the dating game?” I asked, not knowing what else to say. He widened his eyes and shook his head.

“Oh, no. I’m not looking for anything right now,” he told me. “I just want to stay single for a bit. How about you?” 

“I’m not looking for anyone either,” I agreed. “I want time before I get into another relationship.”

“Well, I think that’s very sensible,” he told me. “And you should wait for a guy who is good enough for you because you deserve it.”

“Liam -“

Before I could finish my sentence, a knock came from the front door. I turned to go and answer it, and as it swung open, my jaw dropped.

Harry Styles - looking as attractive as ever - was standing at my doorway.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked with utter surprise. 

“Is that how you greet all of your dates?” Harry wondered, pushing his curls to the side. 

“What?” I almost shouted. 

“Wow, thanks for lying to make me feel better,” Liam said from behind. 

“No, Liam -” I said, walking towards him. 

“Forget it, Blake,” he said, shaking his head. “Harry, are you here for a date with her?”

“Absolutely,” he said, the smirk appearing. “I was hoping we could watch a movie, light some candles, set the mood for -“

“Oh, shut up, for God’s sake Harry!” I yelled at him. He instantly shut up, shocked. I don’t think a girl has ever spoken to him like that. 

“Okay, I’m not sticking around for this.” Liam was upset, as he trudged through the front door, knocking past Harry, who didn’t seem to notice his rage.

“No, wait! Liam,” I called after him, following him outside. He turned around, pushing up the sleeves of his plaid shirt. 

“You know Blake, when I said you deserved a really good guy - Harry Styles is not the first person to come to mind,” he snapped. 

“Liam, Liam stop! I don’t like him! We’re not dating -“

“Well, he sure thinks you are,” he said, stalking off. “You know Blake, sometimes you can be so full of shit.”

I was stunned. When had I ever done anything wrong? This was all Harry’s fault! I watched my ex-boyfriend walk away, knowing there was nothing I could say to convince him that I’m not a liar. 

So, I turned around to walk back to the house, dreading the sight of all things Harry. I made my way through the front door, about ready to burst with anger at him. 

But before I could open my mouth, he stood there with his gorgeous green eyes and said in that ignorant tone of his:

“So, shall I start popping the popcorn?”

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