Chapter Sixty One

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Two years later...

"So, didn't choose either of them?"

I was sitting at the brightly lit office, looking out the large bay window that overlooked the beautiful city of London. I turned my head to stare at the lady sitting behind the big oak desk and nodded my head.

Her mouth parted a little in surprise, as she ducked her head to read the last paragraph of the page she was holding. I knew it off by heart. It read:

And in the end, I did realize that my decision wasn't between "Choice A" or "Choice B." It wasn't black or white, heads or tails, this or that. Sometimes, you have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture because, for so long, you were only looking at one specific spot. With all that has happened, I found myself to have had a "Choice C" - the less popular choice, but then again, the right one isn't always the one that leaves you with a happy ending. The right choice left me with this feeling of acceptance. This was how it was supposed to be. This choice was better for the boys, and that was enough for me to let go.

"Oh my God, I just can't get over how good this novel is," she said in awe. I felt a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach.

Someone actually appreciated my writing.

"Thanks Nancy," I said, sighing with relief. "I'm glad you liked it."

"Not just liked. I loved. I want to share it with everyone in this office," she gushed. "Oh my goodness, I feel like we have a bestseller here."

"Wow," I murmured, speechless. "So, you'll publish it?"

"Of course!"

I was sitting in a large publishing company's office in downtown London, and Nancy was holding my novel that I had finally sat down to write.

After a year went by, and I had written my A-Levels and gotten into college, I chose a different school, where no one would know me or judge me. I haven't seen Niall or Harry in a year.

But, I finally stopped thinking about if I made the right decision. It finally stopped hurting that much to think about what I did or what had happened. I stopped regretting. And I started writing. I started putting into words my journey that didn't end quite the way anyone wanted. And I realized I wanted to share it with the world, so they understood that mistakes were made but life moves on. Even when you feel like you're left with nothing, someone or something will always come along to prove you wrong.

Of course, I didn't use anyone's names in the book. I changed it all. But, they'll know. There's no way anyone at my school will not know. And word will spread. But I knew it was worth it.

"I just love it so much," Nancy raved.

"Thank you," I said, humbly. This was weird.

"Can...can I just ask something horribly personal?"

"More personal than my life story?" I asked, laughing.

She chuckled.

"Well, I just...I just can't help but not believe you didn't love either of them. I have to know...did you have a person in mind that you would've chosen?"

My breath hitched. I didn't think she'd ask me that. I thought she was going to accept the fact that I had chosen neither and move on.

"Oh...what makes you think that?"

"Well, it's just...the way you write about one of the's in such a delicate, fragile way. It's in an admirable, loving way - like you're longing. The longing, yes, it seeps through the pages. I can tell you deeply cared for him, even though you told him no."

"So you know which one then."

"So, I was right? You would've chosen one of them if you could?"

I paused.

"Yes," I confessed. I couldn't believe I was revealing this, but it seemed pointless since apparently I made it so clear as to who I would've chosen.

"And why didn't you? He was in your grasp, and the way you tell the seems like he won't ever be again."

"Because," I cleared my throat. "Because I didn't want him waiting around for me to be mature enough or ready for him. I didn't know, at that point, if that was ever going to happen. He deserves real love without any barriers or obstacles. He doesn't deserve to have to wait around for someone that may never be ready."

"Blake, in all fairness, you seem mature enough now."

"But I didn't know that at the time," I explained. "I didn't know if I could ever be that girl that he needed. And it wasn't fair to tie him down because nothing is a sure thing."

"I know," she said, gently. "And I'm not just saying this because I think your novel should have a different ending, but Blake - what about your story?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean your life story...your actual, living one. Not the one that's written down right now, but your own. Don't you think that story deserves to have a happy ending?"

"Yeah..." I trail off. "I guess I never thought about that..."

"I'm going to say this, not as your publisher or editor...but I'm going to say this as a person who can read situations well - if you think you're ready now, you should go out and get your happy ending. Yes, sometimes stories aren't meant to be or have happy ends, but yours...yours just might have a chance."

"I don't know..."

"Okay, listen, Blake. In five years, you're going to wish you took initiative, took life by the reins, and steered it in the direction you wanted."


"So, why not just do it? Just go for it? You've got nothing left to lose..."

She was right. I didn't have anything to lose. This was my chance. To make it all better. To maybe, perhaps realize that this wasn't the ending I wanted. Maybe this was my chance to rewrite it.

"What do you think?" Nancy wondered.

"You're right," I said, firmly. "Why sit around believing the story's over, when there's one last chapter left to write?"

"That's the spirit, Blake!"

I grinned, taking out my phone. I was going to do this now. I still had both of their numbers saved, even though I hadn't received a text or call from either in two years...

I scrolled down to his name and clicked the green button that sent shivers down my spine. At first, as I was listening to the ringing, I didn't think he'd pick up...

But then, there was rustling on the other end, and his voice came through.


And my heart just stopped.

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