Chapter Sixty Two

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I was sitting on my front porch, like I've done for years before, fidgeting with a bracelet in my hand. My fingers moved over each bead, remembering how many games it had been through, how many goals it helped score, how much luck came with it.

And now, I was hoping it would help me one last time. I've been wearing it ever since I left school and went to college, but I haven't done the ritual with it in some time.

And today, especially, I needed luck. My stomach was twisting, as I waited for the person to show up. I hoped he looked the same. I hoped he looked just how I remember him looking a year before.

When I called him, he was out of the country for two more weeks, but he promised to meet me when he got back. Although, I'm pretty sure he couldn't believe that I had actually called him. He couldn't believe it was actually me.


His voice. Oh my God. I willed myself to look up into those bright, piercing eyes of ocean blue and sighed. He was just as beautiful and wonderful as I remembered him to be.

"Niall," I breathed out.

He hadn't said my name in forever, and hearing it now seemed like it was just yesterday that we were playing the guitar and talking past curfew.

"How - how have you been?" I wondered, my voice sounding foreign to me.

"I've been - yeah I've been great," he responded, though something in his voice sounded uneasy.

He's probably thinking that it's been two years since the day I told him we couldn't be together. He's probably thinking how weird this is that I've asked to see him, when he told me long ago that he couldn't be my best friend anymore.

Well, he'll probably find it bewildering as to what I will be telling him in a few moments.

"How about you?" he asked.

"I've...been good."

"Yeah, you disappeared. How's your new college?"

"Good. It's good. How are Louis and Zayn and Liam?" I haven't seen the boys either. It just seemed easier to draw away.

Louis and Zayn, once in a while, will call me and we'll talk right where we left off because we never had history that hurt us. We were just friends that grew apart.

"Louis and Zayn are as crazy as they used to be," Niall said, smiling a bit. "Liam's doing well. He's got himself a girlfriend, actually."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, they're practically ready for marriage," he commented. We were slowly easing back into our usual conversation, because it was inevitable to sink back into our old routine no matter what's happened between us.

"Liam was always my bet to be the first one married out of all of us."

"Me too!" Niall agreed. "He's practically a dad already."

"Oh my God, can you imagine us with children?"

"Mine would just eat everything and anything they could get their hands on."

I burst out laughing.

"And Louis's children would all try to out-prank one another," I chimed in.

"Zayn's children would be extremely vain - every one of them getting hair products and mirrors for their birthday and Christmas."

"And Liam's would be perfect bundles of joy."

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