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~Three years later~
"Boys, breakfast is ready!" I called, hearing them giggling and playing in the lounge.

Harry, who could've been helping me all morning, was still asleep.

I struggled to get the boys dressed and pack their bags, and make them breakfast, all at the same time that I was watching them.

After I dropped Thomas off at school, I was taking Joseph over to Louis'.

The boys would be staying the night with him to give Harry and I a break.

Two boys with endless energy, one of them seven and the other newly four, were enough to constantly drain the energy from you.

"Boys, c'mon." I said, walking into the lounge to find them jumping on the sofa.

Thomas instantly sat down, looking up at me with large apologetic blue eyes.

Joseph, however, kept jumping and giggling.

"Are you supposed to be jumping on the sofa?" I asked.

"No." Thomas said quietly.

Joseph ignored me, grinning as he bounced over and tackled Thomas.

"Get off." Thomas whined, pushing his younger brother away.

Joseph pouted, getting off of the sofa and walking over to me.

He grinned up at me, dimples and all, reaching for me to pick him up.

"No more jumping on the sofa, yeah?" I asked him.

"Mhmm." He nodded, looking at my chest and biting his lower lip.

Over the past few years, Joseph's hair had gotten a little darker, and curlier.

I kept it trimmed short, while I kept Thomas' hair trimmed at his shoulders, like his daddy's.

I usually had him wear it back in a ponytail, hating the way it got in his face when it wasn't kept back.

"Hey, d'you want to go wake daddy up?" I asked the boys.

"Daddy!" Joseph cheered.

"Go run in there and yell, and jump up and down on the bed until he wakes up. Be nice and loud, yeah?" I smirked, setting Joseph down.

"Okay!" Thomas chirped, getting off of the sofa.

I watched them both run off, following not too far behind.

"Daddy wake up!" Thomas yelled, running into our bedroom and jumping onto the bed.

Joseph followed, climbing up and sitting on Harry's back, bouncing.

I heard Harry groan, trying to pull the duvet over his head to escape the boys wrath.

"Get up daddy!" Joseph smiled, pulling the duvet back down.

"Come eat breakfast with is." Thomas said, leaning down and trying to see Harry's face.

"I can't breathe." Harry grunted, rolling and gently knocking Joseph off of him.

Harry sat up, giving me a knowing look as Joseph sprung back up.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I smirked.

"C'mon daddy." Thomas said, hopping down off the bed.

"Carry me!" Joseph said, standing behind Harry and wrapping his arms around his neck.

Harry sighed, standing up and giving Joseph a piggy back ride to the kitchen.

"Are you going to eat cereal too? Like us?" Joseph asked Harry after he sat him down.

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