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~Sunday morning~
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, scrambling out of bed to go and answer it.

"Good morning sunshine." My mum said softly.

"Morning." I answered, trying not to sound out of breath.

"Your father and I have got lovely news for you, we'll be coming over for lunch." She informed me.

I sat on the end of my bed, frowning. "When will that be?" I asked, wondering if I had anything to prepare for them.

"Is twelve good for you?" Mum asked.

"I suppose so." I said, running my hand over my hair and looking at the floor.

"Good. How've you been, then? How's work and everything?" She asked.

"Um," I began, my mind instantly going to Harry.

Yesterday after our chat, we had a bit of tea, and then he left.

The image of him standing before me completely naked hadn't left my mind since the moment I saw it. I also could stop thinking about how it felt when he kissed me.

I'd never been kissed like that before. Or at all, really. The closest I came to being kissed was a girl kissing my cheek when I was fourteen before I shuddered, and told her that I wasn't interested.

"Zayn, love, are you alright?" My mum spoke up, making me flinch and realise I'd gotten lost thinking about how it felt when Harry touched me.

Or how he felt when I touched him. All of his skin was so soft, like his hands.

I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen now. I still owed Harry a portrait, so technically he'd have to come back.

If he wanted to, of course.

Plus, I wondered if he'd ever kiss me again. The fact the I desperately wanted him to bothered me deeply.

I needed to get myself together and stop getting so lost in pleasuring ideas. I needed to keep my head in reality before I made some sort of mistake.

"Zayn Malik are you listening to me?" Mum asked in a louder tone.

"Y-Yes, sorry. Um, work is....it's going absolutely perfect. I'm making great...progress." I struggled to say, my heart pounding.

"I asked what you were doing as well, Zayn." Mum said.

"Nothing mum, only thinking." I answered.

"Alright, well, your father and I will see you at lunch." She said.

"Right, yeah. See you both then." I nodded.

"Love you." Mum chirped.

"I love you too, mum." I replied before we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I then got up and got dressed, hurrying to my spare room and collecting all of the canvases.

Somehow, I managed to fit them all in the closet and get the door closed. I locked the door behind me after I left, proceeding to check the rest of the flat for any signs of art.

When it was clear, I went into the kitchen and started looking for something to make for lunch.

"So, what's going on?" I decided to ask my parents after small conversation about the weather and things like that whilst we ate.

"Yesterday we were contacted by a wealthy businessman, and he told us that he's very interested in your work, and would like to see you for an interview." My mum said excitedly.

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