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"What's wrong, doll?" Liam asked, his hands now on my waist as I stood there in shock.

"How could you ask me something like that?" I scoffed, pushing Liam away from me.

Liam stared at me for a while. "D'you really want to know?" He asked sharply.

"Yeah." I said, taking a step back from him.

"I want you, Zayn. I'm used to getting what I want, and you're becoming quite the challenge. I figured paying you would be the easy route instead of...taking things to another level. A more...physical one." He explained.

"I'm with Harry, and I love him. Liam what happened with us was....you." I said.

"You kissed me, you were the one who wanted us to....I guess be together. I was just confused."

Liam stepped closer to me. "But I'm better than him. I can give you so much more."

"I don't want anything. Just this job, and Harry." I said.

"Is that so? You don't want me?"

"M-Maybe your friendship, but-" I began, backing away as he walked closer.

"You didn't like how it felt when I held you, or kissed you?" He asked.

"I did." I admitted, my back touching the wall.

"But I'm with Harry now." I repeated.

"That doesn't matter to me." Liam said, now inches from me again.

"I want you as my own. Be mine and you can keep your job." He said.

"Liam that isn't fair, what's-"

"You haven't got to tell Harry. We can keep it secret." He smiled, sliding his hands onto my sides.

"Liam n-no, I don't want to." I said, gently pushing his hands away.

"I do." He said, roughly gripping my hips and holding me in place.

"Get off of me!" I spat, pushing on his chest as he tried to kiss me.

"Hey!" He barked, grabbing my arms and slamming me back against the wall, pinning me there.

My breath was knocked out of me, and I stiffened with fear.

He glared at me. "You'll do what I want or you're fired and your parents will know everything. Also, you'll have to get back home on your own."

"Now you don't want that, do you?" He asked softly.

I shook my head no, swallowing the lump growing in my throat.

"Alright then. After this photo shoot is over, you'll come back to the estate with me and we'll have dinner. Then, we'll...see where the night takes us." He smirked.

"Won't we?" He asked.

I stared at him.

"I-I....can't." I managed to say.

"Yes you can, and you will." He smiled, letting go of my arms.

"Now c'mon." He said, turning to leave.

"No Liam. I can't do this....I'm in love with Harry. He means more to me than...this job and pleasing my parents." I clarified.

Liam slowly turned back around, chuckling and shaking his head. "I thought you were smarter than that, Zayn."

"Yeah? And I thought I could trust you." I said.

"I thought you were my friend...and that you were a decent person."

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