"You were serious?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Well, I shall take you out. Or in. We'll work something out" Niall was so sweet. I couldn't believe he is actually going to wait until he takes me out. He smiled at me and rubbed his nose over mine. 

"Let's go to bed. Together" Niall took my hand lead me off to his room where he stripped to his boxers and I stayed in my clothes. Despite the fact I changed in front of him, and the others earlier, I was very self concious and I wasn't just putting more clothes on straight away. I would be almost naked and with him, and I didn't want to him to see me so skinny. 

As we lay in bed next to each other he wrapped an arm around me, pulling our bodies closer together so we were spooning. I was the little spoon. We were both quiet, just the sounds of our breathing filled the room, and I honestly thought he was asleep. He was so quiet, and that's not something he is capable of. Of course in important times and when he's asleep he is quiet, but he is just loud and full of energy.

"Lou?" his voice whispered softly. "You awake?" I hummed in response and moved over in my bed so I could face him. He smiled warmly at me. "Do you want to do something during break? I mean I know you'll go back to Doncaster, but I don't know, do you want to come to Ireland? Or I can come there" I giggled and put a hand over his mouth to stop his rambling. 

"Shh" I giggled. "You're rambling. Of course we can do something. I was going to suggest New Years when it came closer" Niall smirked at me. 

"Mmm. New Years kiss 'ey?" I hummed. "Sounds wonderful. Now, goodnight beautiful" He pecked my lips and I soon fell asleep in the warmth of his arms.


Niall woke me up the next morning. He was dressed in blue jeans, a blue jumper and his white high tops. His hair looked damp and messy, and I smiled through half open eyes at him, and he smiled back his toothy grin. 

He insisted I hurry up and get out of bed so I could get my stuff ready, and also make sure there was no suspicion that I was over at Niall's all night in his bed. I never realised how nice a hotel bed actually is when you can share it with someone who you really like. Maybe that's the reason I never felt comfortable with Eleanor. It almost seems like four years is such a waste of time and effort. Especially when things were rocky a year ago. 

After Niall kicked - not really kicked, more so, insisted - me out of his room. I went back to mine to shower and pack my bag. We needed to be on the road before lunch time. Which would happen considering most of us keep our belongings in our suitcases and just rummage through it to get what we need, it was more so, tidying up our other things and putting them away. 

When I was packed and dressed in my white adidas jumper - the logo was printed in black in the middle of the jumper - and black jeans with my black converse I left my room and met Niall in the hallway. A smile played across his lips, indicating we were alone, he walked over to me and leaned in for a kiss. But I refused it. Knowing Harry or Liam could walk out at any moment nerved me.

He didn't seem too hurt by it, but he did look saddened I wouldn't kiss him. Niall walked off leaving me to drag my heavy suitcase and duffel bag out to the bus. Slowly I made it there. My suitcase seemed so much more heavier since I started tour. I didn't understand it.

I reached the three other boys, along with the band and other numerous people, and rolled my suitcase over to be put underneath. I put them in and then walked over to the other three, standing next to Harry and greeted them all.

"Hey Lou" Liam smiled brightly. "Ready to hit the road?" 

"Yeah" I smiled and rubbed my arm, the air was cool. Harry wrapped an arm around me in a hug. Niall eyed the exchange discretely. 

We chatted about the next few concerts until we got called into the bus. We all got comfortable in the sitting area and chatted about the Christmas break. Harry was going to spend some alone time at home until the week before Christmas, then he was going home with his family. 

Liam was spending it alone, he claimed he needed a lot of alone time. I knew he would go back for Christmas though. Niall. Well he was going home to London for a couple of days before heading back to Ireland. We had also planned to meet up. I think New Years Eve would be the best time. We could go out, have some drinks, then kiss on midnight. I would quite enjoy that. 

The trip was only a few hours which meant we would be able to relax in the hotel and have tea there at a reasonable hour. It had only been half an hour when Harry suggested a game of cards. We all groaned, knowing Harry would like to involve alcohol, or some strange twist. But when he held out a packet of UNO cards and pouted, we knew he just wanted to waste time. 

So we agreed to play. The game got very intense when we went around the circle twice putting draw 2's down on top of each other. Leaving Niall to curse and pick up 16 cards, it left him with 20 cards. The three of us had 3 left. Niall was not happy, but it also meant he had a lot of cards to look through and possibly have a lot of cards we would be calling bad, Niall would call good.

The game continued and I was the first to say UNO. Unfortunately, I didn't win, it went around the circle and Liam made me pick up 2 cards. Harry won the round, but we continued playing. I came second, and Liam came last, Niall played all his cards on him and bet him. Liam was not happy. But NIall was and it made me happy that Niall was smiling and rubbing it in his face.

We played two more games before we arrived at the hotel. We stretched our limbs and retrieved our bags once again then walked into the hotel. Lots of people were around and asking for pictures and autographs, but we ignored it and continued on our way. 

I felt bad a lot of the time for ignoring our fans. All they wanted was interaction with their idols and we couldn't give that to them. But I wasn't feeling the happiest right now. I felt exhausted even though I've done nothing. 

As I walked along the hallway heading to my room. Niall caught up to me and I could feel his hand bumping against mine. I looked up at him and smiled, a blush coating my cheeks. 

"Come over?" he whispered. 

"Later? I wanna rest" he nodded. "Sorry I have some things I wanna do" Niall rose an eyebrow suggestively. "Not that you. I have you for that now" 

Niall licked his lips. "You gotta stop that Lou. Keep it up and you'll have no say in when we have sex" 

"Shh" I giggled and stopped at my door. "Niall you're not being very secretive" 

"I know. You make it so hard for me" 

"Oi boys. Everything okay?" Liam asked walking closer to us. 

"Yeah" I replied. "Just heading in. See you soon lads" I opened my door and walked in. I took a deep breath and let it out. Niall Horan will be the death of me.

Taking my bags to my room I dumped it on the ground and fell on my bed. It was comfortable. Nothing like mine at home, but it was nice. I grabbed my phone and opened Twitter. 

Yesterday. I became boyfriends with an amazing boy. Thank you for all your support and help x

I closed the app and smiled to myself. I really did become a boyfriend to an amazing boy.   

A/N jumping a lot sorry. I really am not good at non-AUs 

Keep commenting and voting though :)

I will also be going out of town on Thursday for an operation. I shall be back next week sometime, since I have it on Friday. I will try update Thursday for you all 

The Next Morning //Nouis// boyxboy ✅Where stories live. Discover now