Chapter 21 Please

Start from the beginning

"Hi." I say.
"Yo shorty, we're in the studio today if you wanna stop by." Deshaun says.
"Sure. Does Marshall know?"
"No man and just so you know it there's a lot of bitches here today." He says and I immediately feel sick in my stomach.
"Okay." I say in a sad voice.
"Are you stopping by?"
"Yes I'll be there in about 45 minutes."
"Alright, I'm looking forward to see you man."
"Me too, bye." I say and hang up the phone.

"I have to go." I say to Rachel. "I'm sorry." I feel bad for ditching her but I need to make this right.
"No need to apologize sweetheart." She says and I give her a hug.
"You're the best." I say and then I run out of the door.

As I sit in the car I think about what I should say to him, I know he's beyond mad at me so I really have to be careful with my words. I don't know how I'm gonna handle all those girls who's at the studio today, I wonder if he has fucked any girls since me.. I can't really bitch about it because I've fucked Kevin too.

I arrive to the studio and I see Deshaun walking towards me as I walk through the door.
"Yo girl." He says with a huge smile on his face and hug me.
"Hi." I say.
"How are you?" He asks and breaks the hug.
"I feel like shit." I tell him honestly.
"Do you want me to get him out here because you're not gonna like what you see in there." He offers but I shake my head.
"No I wanna say hi to the boys first." I say. To be honest I'm a little curious and I really wanna surprise him, I don't know what I expect to happen when I walk in but I hope for the best.
"Alright." He says in a tone where he might as well could have said 'suit yourself' instead. We walk into the studio and the first thing I see is some slut sitting in Marshall's lap and boy do I want to knock that bitch's teeth out and then there's 3 other girls than her. Marshall's eyes widens when he sees me but he quickly looks away, I know it's because he's angry and he wants to show me that he doesn't care, I just really hope it's all an act. I walk around and say hi to the guys but I simply refuse to say hi to those sluts, I safe Marshall as the last person but I know better than to hug him.
"Can I talk to you?" I ask Marshall and I look at Marshall's hand which is placed on that slut's thigh very close to her sex.
"You can go fuck yourself." He mumbles which makes the slut giggle. That little bitch! Who the fuck does she think she is?
"I sure hope you have money to get those teeth fixed if you don't get that smirk off your face." I warn her which immediately makes a replace a smile with a gasp, I can hear Deshaun trying to hide is laughter behind me which he doesn't do a pretty job in doing. At least it made the bitch shut up and I have Marshall's fully attention now, I think it kinda surprised him that I said that to whatever her name is.
"Marshall will you please hear me out?" I ask him.
"You've said what needed to be said." He says coldly.
"No I haven't." I say.
"Well as you can see then I'm fucking busy right now." He says and I sigh deeply before I talk not trying to lose my temper.
"Then when do you have time?" I ask him and he gets up from his chair still holding that girl around her waist.
"As soon as I'm done fucking this babe." He says which makes the bitch giggle and which makes me lose my temper, I have no idea who to lose at first but before I realize it then I grab the girls hair and smash her face down onto my knee which makes her nose explode, I wanna finish her off but Marshall grabs me and try to pull me away from her but I just push him into the wall because he's next now.
"I understand why you're fucking angry with me but that was a fucking lame move to make!" I yell at him but Marshall just bite his lip trying not to laugh, what the fuck is he laughing at?! "What's so funny?" I ask him.
"You're just fucking sexy when you're angry." He says. His words makes me happy because I know I can talk to him now.
"Please talk to me Marshall." I beg.
"I can't Amelia. You made your choice that day and I'm not gonna burn my fingers on you again." He tells me in a serious tone.
"I made a mistake, please can we pleeeease talk?" I beg him.
"Fine." He sighs deeply and I turn around to walk out of the studio. I see Denaun sitting with the girl I punched trying to stop her nose from bleeding but I just walk out, I don't think I owe her an apology because she shouldn't have laughed in the first place. Me and Marshall head to the room we always are in when we need to talk, Marshall doesn't sit down, he just stands there looking at me so I do the same.
"What did you mean with that you made a mistake?" He asks me.
"I want you." I say.
"Too bad Amelia because the things you said to me that day can never be forgiven." He says coldly.
"Marshall you have to understand that your new life scares the hell out of me." I say.
"I don't care, you stepped over the line when you said you didn't want me because I have kids." He says coldly. Shit I really stepped in it..
"I never said that I didn't want you because of your kids Marshall, I just don't feel that I fit into that whole family life." I explain.
"Not with that attitude."
"I'm no good with kids." I say. I'm usually not around kids so when I finally am then I get really awkward, I have no idea how to talk to them or act around them.
"What makes you say that? I remember you being really good with Nate." He reminds me.
"But this is your kids so it's different." I say and he doesn't say anything, I know that it takes a lot more than that to make it up to him. "You've changed so much Marshall and your life is crazy so it's only natural for me to be scared."
"If you loved me then you would at least try." He says.
"That's why I'm here now." I tell him.
"It's too late." He says.
"Why?" I ask him and I can feel my eyes get watery and my voice shakes.
"You can't just come around just because your relationship suddenly took a bad turn." He says.
"Why do you think my relationship took a bad turn?" I ask him.
"Don't tell me that Kevin hasn't seen that magazine." He chuckles in sarcasm and roll his eyes.
"He doesn't think that something is going on between us."
"Right." He says and it's obvious that he doesn't believe in me.
"Marshall I'm sorry about everything. I chose Kevin because I was so fucking afraid of your life plus I wasn't ready to lose everything like that, I know if I cancel the weeding then I lose my job, I won't own a damn thing, I'll have nowhere to stay, I don't even know if Rachel will have a place to stay because Kevin just bought her a house, so yes I chose the easy way but he doesn't make me happy like the way you do." I say beginning to cry. "Kevin is perfect but he's not perfect for me, you are. Your life scares the shit out of me but I would rather try than be unhappy. I know I said a lot of fucked up shit that day and I'm so so so sorry but please give me a chance." I beg. He stands there for a while looking at me and I just can't stop trying.
"Did you break up with Kevin?" He then asks me. I'm so afraid to answer because I already know how he's gonna react.
"No." I almost whisper and he just chuckles in sarcasm and roll his eyes again. "But I will do it."
"That doesn't mean shit to me Amelia, you should have done it already." He says.
"And be homeless? Come on Marshall! I have to have a plan B before I can break up with him."
"So I'm your plan B? So you come here to suck it up to me because you have nowhere else to go?" He asks me. It's so obvious that I've broke his trust because he thinks I'm playing him right now.
"Do you honestly think I would break that bitch's nose if you were just a part of my plan?!" I ask him angrily.
"You tell me." He says coldly.
"No I wouldn't Marshall! I've actually been thinking about moving back to LA then I could just run the club in LA, it would spare Kevin for a lot of traveling but I have to persuade him which probably ain't gonna be easy." I tell him about the thinking I've been doing lately.
"Why don't you take over the club in Detroit?" He asks me.
"I have to take Rachel with me and there's no way in hell that we're gonna live in the same city as James."
"Alright smarty pants, how the hell do you want us to have a relationship with you living in LA and me in Detroit?" He asks me. So now he wants a relationship with me?
"Can you see my dilemma? This isn't easy for me." I say and he doesn't say anything so I speak again. "Do you want to be with me?"
"I did." He says coldly.
"You don't want to be with me anymore?" I ask beginning to cry again.
"You don't think I'm fucking scared Amelia? A month ago you threw me out like trash because my life scared you, if you get scared that easily then you can't be a part of my life because it's way worse than it looks like." He says. I know fame ain't easy and I know it's gonna be tough but I rather go through this shit with him than not to have him in my life.
"I know and I will be there 100% Marshall, I told you that I was also scared of losing everything I have because I will lose everything, I won't have a god damn job or a place to live." I tell him.
"That's a bad fucking excuse when you know I would have helped you!" He raises his voice at me getting frustrated.
"And lean myself against a man again? No thank you because it will just send me right back to where I started!" I say.
"Yeah whatever." He just says and roll his eyes.
"But okay I sense that no matter what I say or do then it won't matter so enjoy your fucking whores in there." I cry and I turn around and walk towards the door but then I feel Marshall grab me around my waist and pull me closer until my back hits his chest.
"I swear if you fuck me up this time then I'll never forgive you." He sighs in my ear and my whole body gets warm because I know that he just gave me another chance. I turn around and look at him still with tears in my eyes but now it's happy tears.
"I won't." I say smiling and he kisses me hard.

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