Chapter 31

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It's been a while since I've updated and I feel bad. But I just couldn't seem to get this chapter right. But I finally got it together. So vote comment let me know your opinion on this chapter.



"The whole idea was to trick you into believing that you had actually gotten away from me.  But in reality you didn't. I asked my friend your "boyfriend" Vladimir to drag you along. But it didn't really start until I asked Valentino to help." He placed his hands on my thighs.

"I knew that Valentino and you had a little thing going on throughout the years. I knew this so I took it to my advantage. So I contacted him asking to meet up. We discussed how we would find out where you were located." Angelo cleared his throat.  "He mentioned that he knew where Melanie was. so most likely you were with her."

"And how did he find out where Melanie was?" I questioned. He sighed and continued the story.

"Her mom told, but she didn't give it up too easily. I had called her, telling her that I was moving into a new home. At the time I was living in New York. I had moved away when you left. So I called her and said that I moved and this and that. I gave her the address."

"The one where Valentino is living.?" He nodded his head.

"Yes. But I wasn't really staying there. I mean I was but It wasn't temporary. It was just for the current situation. I even took her to the house so it seemed like I was actually living there. Me, Valentino, and Vladimir met up at the house and discussed. Vladimir was going to date you. Valentino wasn't the right choice."

I bit down on my lip. This whole situation is complete bullshit. What kind of motherfucker does some shit like that. Literally right now I could take his fucking head off. I'm so goddamn mad! And the fact that Vladimir treated me like he actually gave a fuck.

"Don't zone out on me now Akilah you have to listen." Angelo squeezed my leg. "Valentino would pop up in random places to send out mixed signals. We knew that you would catch on. Your not dumb. I feel so bad for this part." He stopped biting his lip.

"I thought that putting a little fear in you would have some type of affect. Calling you from private numbers, making it seem like I was on a hunt for you. Even the whole note thing was part of the plan."

"WHAT THE HELL ANGELO! You piece of shit. First you send that asshole Valentino back into my fucking life then you send that asshole!"I stood up from the couch. My fist were clenched at my sides. Angelo rose to his feet and grabbed my wrist. 

"Akilah please calm down." He pleaded. "I don't want you to wake up Lady." 

"Where are they?" I questioned. I was beyond mad at this point. I was technically being watched. "I can't believe this bullshit! You fucking lied to me, then you send some other people to fucking find me. You asshole!" I pushed his face away from me. 

Angelo grabbed a hold of my wrist and tried to pull me back. "Will you just listen to me?" He begged.

"Fuck you Angelo!" 

I began walking up the stairs towards Lady. My feet stomped against the cold wooden floor. He's such an ass. All the curse words in the book couldn't explain my anger. Who does that? Seriously who ruins somebody's life over something so selfish. People really piss me off. I creaked open the door. Lady was now laying at the bottom of the bed. Pulling my phone out I dialed Melanie's number. It rang and rang. Come on Stacks please answer. I thought to myself.

You have reached the voicemail box of-

Fuck! I hung up and called again. It rang then she picked up. "Where are you Naya?"

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