Chapter 19

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"Hey Spenser do you have any plans tonight?" I sat back on my bed and crossed my legs.

"Well look who decides to call me back." His hearty laugh echoed through the phone. I responded and laughed with him.

"Yea whatever, but seriously you should go with me somewhere tonight."

"Why what's up?" I let out a sigh.

"Just a lot is going on right now and I need to get out tonight." I drew circles on Vladimir's comforter.

"Yea we can go out. I call you after work and let you know what time."

"Alright thanks Spenser." I smiled on the other end of the line.

"No problem I'll see you later Naya." He hung up the phone and I stepped off the bed. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel out of the closet. I turned on the hot water checking the the temperature. I slid off my clothes and hopped in the shower.

The warm water bounced off my skin. I stood against the wall thinking. I already know today is going to be a stressful day, but I have to do it. And I know for sure that if Vladimir finds out that I went drinking he's going to kill me. But sometimes I just need a drink.

I finished up my shower and stepped out just in time. "Come on Adannaya Hurry up!" Melanie yelled at me. Her and Vladimir were sitting in his room waiting for me. I pulled my curly wet hair up into a ponytail.

"I'm ready damn chill out." I slid on my sneakers and fixed my shirt.

"Alright people lets go." Melanie hopped up off the floor. "First we have to make a 30 minute trip across town."

I began to smile. "Are we going to your old house?"

"You know it girlfriend. We're going to pay mother Rogers a visit ." She laughed.

"Who's mother Rogers?" Vladimir stood behind me and questioned.

"It's Melanie's mom."


We pulled up on Cheryl Drive 45minutes later. It wouldve taken less time if we didn't have to stop for food. Its whatever though cause I was craving Chipotle too so why not stop. I pulled into the driveway of my mother's house. I shifted the gear to park and stepped out of the car. Adannaya and and Vladimir stepped out in unison.

We made our way up the steps to the porch. Without knocking I opened the screen door and walked in. "Mom!" I yelled walking into the house. I turned around to make sure that the two were still behind me.

"Why are you always yelling!?" My mom yelled. She stepped around the corner holding a book in her hand. I felt a smile form on my lips. She walked closer to me embracing me into a hug. "Hey Baby." She kissed me on the cheek

"Mom you remember Adannaya?" She looked over her glasses and smiled.

"I sure do remember you. Your the pretty girl that dated-"

"Yup that's me." Adannaya cut off my mother and smiled. My mother pulled Naya into a hug. Naya looked at me. I could tell she felt awkward.

"Do y'all want something to eat? I just finished making lunch." She took off her glasses and slid them on the collar of her shirt.

"No ma'am we just ate." Vladimir answered for us.

"Who is this handsome man?" My mother questioned.

"I'm Vladimir Archer, Adannaya's boyfriend." He extended his hand to my mother. She grabbed his hand and shook.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Vladimir." She smiled. "Your a very handsome young man."

"Thank you." Vladimir smiled. I watched Adannaya turn around and smile at him. I felt a birning sensation on my arm.

"Oww!" I rubbed the area.

"What did I tell you about not introducing me to people!?" My mother stood with one hand on her hip. I laughed.

"My bad." I threw my hands up. "Can we get started we have some other places to stop at." My mother nodded her head.

"This way." She signaled us to follow her. We turned her way and follwed her footsteps. We walked up a flight of stairs and down a hallway. A brown door sat at the end of the hall.

I will never forget this room. My mother calls it the naughty room. Not because of nothing dirty, vut because of what happened in here. Anytime I got in trouble pr needed a talk we went into this room. The walls are designed so that no one outside could l hear what was going on inside. Not all conversation held in here were bad, but they were not meant to be heard by anybody else.

She unlocked the door and twisted the knob for the door to open. She let us enter then she proceded behind us. We sat at this long brown table with white chairs all around. The same set that has been in here for years.

"So where would y'all like to start?" My mother slid her glasses off her shirt and placed them on her face.

I looked over at Adannaya. "Where do you want to start?" She thought about it dor a second.

"I don't know." She let out a sigh.

"Alright. Mom what stuff do you have on him." She ran her fingers through her hair.

"Let me see." She walked over to a bookcase full of binders. Mom always keeps little note about every relative we associate with. Numbers, where they live, who they are married to, her organization is crazy. She says its her way of knowing what she 'gets herself into'. She pulled a blue binder out of the shelf and threw it on the table. The loud thud made all three of us jump.

"Mom!" She laughed.

"I was just trying to scare y'all. Anyway." She sat the binder down and she sat down too. "The most recent is his phone number. He was planning to move but I don't know if he has yet." She slid the papers our way. Adannaya picked them up.

"Do you know where he used to live?" Adannaya questioned.

"Last place I know of was here." She looked through the binder and pulled out a piece of paper. "153 SandWay turn, right off of exit 13. You can't miss it the house is blue with a two car garage."

"Mom are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure I wrote the shit down after he told me." She closed the binder and stood up to put the binder back.

"How do you know that he wasn't lying.?"

"Because I am his favorite aunt. He tells me everything." She looked at the clock on the wall. "You might want to head over now it's almost five. Traffic is about to get bad." We all stood up from the table one by one.

"You guys ready?"

"Yea." Adannaya nodded her head. We followed my mom out the room and downstairs. I hurried to the car anxious to see what will happen when we pull up. Is he still living on the house, or did he move? I'm kind of praying that his punk ass didn't move. That gives me a chance to whoop his ass and leave like I didn't do anything. Once everybody was in the car I put the gear in reverse and backed out the drive way. Turning left I waved to my mom and sped off down the street.



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