Ebony Clothing

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Everyone, both the Kudo family and relatives, as well as the Metropolitan Police, stood solemnly in the cemetery.

They surrounded a certain coffin, not saying a word, for the death of the young detective Kudo Shinichi was a shock to them. Their eyes were puffy with excessive crying and their mouth were dry due to the numerous exchange of small talk, prayers and small condolences. All of them were beyond upset, except for a certain strawberry blonde, who was merely standing with them, yet her face bore a mild emotionless expression.

Ai stood among them, donned in formal black as well. She wore a black Lolita dress that had white criss-cross strings in the centre and a hat to go along with it. The irony, that they now resembled the Organization she despised so much. Unlike Yukiko who was crying excessively, she refuses to use her acting skills to even pretend to be upset. She watched the coffin get lowered at a rectangular hole 6 feet underground, just like the rest. Yet, no one was allowed to see the deceased as the authorities did not allow the coffin to be open. They claimed that Kudo Shinichi, in his pursuit of his last case, he got shot brutally that they wouldn't allow any of his relatives and friends to see his body.

But in truth, it was simply because the coffin was empty.

Conan stood by Ai's side, busy looking around the crowd. He felt guilty for making the people that cared for him as Kudo Shinichi be heartbroken at this news, when in reality he was alive and well. He glanced at Inspector Megure, who wasn't crying but Conan was no fool. The old man was vividly devastated, having to know that the bright and young detective he admired and hoped to join the police force, was taken away. Sonoko was there as well, unable to withhold her tears and broke into sobs once in a while. Conan frowned when Ran was not present, despite that her parents were. Sonoko was the only Teitan High alumni to actually be there. It has been 3 years and their schoolmates graduated, having to separate ways while Conan was stuck as a 4th grader.

Yet the cold harsh truth was banging to his face - Kudo Shinichi sure had loads of fans, but had little friends that genuinely cared for him.

He was disappointed that Ran, his best friend since childhood, did not even appear in his grave. "She's not here, isn't she? You must've hurt her badly for her to not even attend Kudo Shinichi's funeral, Edogawa-kun," Ai whispered, cautious not to talk too loud for others to hear their conversation.

Conan grabbed Ai's wrist lightly, pulling her out of anyone's earshot." Strangely half of me is relieved to not find her here. I don't want to see her cry anymore. Besides, she married with someone else," he replied, trying to force a smile. He released his hand from the envelopment of her wrist, before holding her hand. Ai gasped softly, surprised at the gesture. Yet she entwined her fingers with his, their familiarity with each other diminished any uncertainty they had on their mind. They had held hands before twice, once at the Haido Hotel when she met Pisco and the other was during the Bus Hijacking case. Conan insisted that he saw her as his partner, which Ai tried to deny.

They needed each other to survive.

"She was your only friend as Kudo Shinichi, right?" she asked, giving his hand a light squeeze. So it wasn't just him that noticed this.

He nodded, saying, "you get to know who your genuine friends are, those who cared after you're gone. But the damned thing is no dead man sees his funeral. Except for me, I guess."

After the raiding of the Black Organization, they shortly found Vermouth. Reports said that Vermouth shed her strong facade, having to be weak and vulnerable during the interrogation process, much to Conan's suspicions. She insisted that she had no knowledge of the Black Organization or her boss that was charred to flames at the warehouse. She persistently muttered that she had been framed before breaking into sobs, yet from her identity test results gave evidence that she was undeniably Chris Vineyard. The Metropolitan Police had to lock her up at a high-security prison, despite her pleads of innocence. With that, the Black Organization pulverized into non-existence and the case was closed, with the help of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, FBI and Shinichi himself.

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