Chapter 5: Night 2

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"The fuck am I wearing?!" You silently said.

You were wearing a white polo, reaching half your stomach, it really shaped your curves on your chest. A skirt, that shaped your sides, black stockings, and some black flats. You wore your necktie, and belt.


Me: I'm sorry... I just tried to do what was in my mind...
Vincent: This is great! Now the reader is much more sexier!
Me: The Fuck, Vincent. You perverted bastard.
Scott: Yumeko! Your language!
Me: Sorry, Scott... Blame Vincent!
*Vincent raises his hands*
Scott: That's it! you are sleeping with the fishes!
Me: Is that literal?
Scott: Yes. No. Maybe? Whatever! *grabs Vincent by the neck, and drags out my room*
Me: Finally... Some peace and quiet... Too quiet... SCOTT! GIVE ME VINCENT! I NEED HIM FOR INSPIRATION!


"I look like a slut..." You said to yourself, as someone opened the door. "Hey, (Y/N), we're almost going to leave! Are you re-uh....." Mike and Vincent came in, then they were looking at you while blushing. "Guys, do I look like a slut?" You asked, as you turned around.

Mike was blushing away from me, and Vincent was having a nosebleed. "Um... Vincent... Your nose is bleeding!" You yelled, as you reached for tissue in your vanity, and gave it to Vincent.

"I'm serious, do I really look like a slut?" You asked, as you wiped the blood from Vincent's nose. "N-Not Really! You look great!" Mike said, with a fake smile on his face.

"I can tell that you are lying, I really do look like a slut..." You said, as you covered your face. "N-No! You look great!" Vincent said, as blood dripped down his nose. "Fine, I can't argue of what I have... Here Vincent." You said,as you wipped the blood from his nose.

"Where is your old uniform?" Mike asked, as he looked away. "Laundrymat, the washing machine was broken" You said, as you picked up your bag, and went downstairs. "Well, she's hot in her uniform..." Vincent smirked. "Shut up, Vincent." Mike said, as he and Vincent went down stairs.

Everyone, was outside already. Vincent went on outside, you were about to leave, but Mike stopped you and gave you something. "You left it at the bench." Mike whispered, as he walked out. You looked at your hand, "My phone...." You said, as you walked out, and noticed no one was sitting in front with Jeremy.

"Dibs on front!" You yelled, as you opened the door and sat in front. You sat in front, and made Jeremy blush. "Yes, Jeremy? Is something the matter?" You asked, Jeremy looked away, and started the engine.

"Damn...she's hot! Those stockings, are so sexy... Oh no... I'm being like Vincent!" Jeremy thought, as he shook his head, and drove towards work.

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